Vet Assistant No Experience Near Me (2025)

1. 216 No Experience Veterinary Assistant jobs in United States (5 ...

  • Today's top 216 No Experience Veterinary Assistant jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New No Experience Veterinary ...

  • Today's top 220 No Experience Veterinary Assistant jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New No Experience Veterinary Assistant jobs added daily.

2. 3+ Veterinary Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Examples - VisualCV

  • Need help writing a top notch veterinary assistant cover letter? Get these 3+ veterinary assistant no experience cover letter examples and make your best ...

  • Need help writing a top notch veterinary assistant cover letter? Get these 3+ veterinary assistant no experience cover letter examples and make your best first impression.

3. Careers at VCA | VCA job opportunities

4. Animal care assistant | RSPCA

  • Registered charity no.219099. Terms and Conditions · Site Map · National ... experience, to show you advertising, social media features and to tailor ...

  • Making sure the animals in our centres are all cared for until they're rehomed. An animal care assistant is a great way to start your career working with animals. Find out what it's like to be an animal care assistant at one of our centres.

5. Veterinary Assistant Jobs in Singapore - Jul 2024 | Jobstreet

  • Our Veterinarian will deliver the highest quality veterinary care and an exceptional client experience. ... 4 days work week, no weekends shifts. 21d ago.

  • Find your ideal job at Jobstreet with 100 Veterinary Assistant jobs found in Singapore. View all our Veterinary Assistant vacancies now with new jobs added daily!

6. Becoming a veterinary care assistant - IVC Evidensia UK

  • Having a job as an animal care assistant is an enriching experience. ... You may be able to begin a succesful career as a veterinary care assistant without ...

  • An animal care assistant job description can vary but fundamentally they are an extension of the clinical team, supporting both the vet and vet nurse teams. There are even several names for the role including; veterinary care assistant, patient care assistant and animal care assistant.

7. Career Paths | San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

  • Our entry-level positions require limited or no experience. Animals and ... Located 30 minutes north of the Zoo in San Pasqual Valley near Escondido, California.

  • At San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, we are committed to providing a rewarding and engaging work experience for all, whether it be in retail, animal care, architecture, or facilities, just to name a few areas! Our employees work here because they are committed to our mission and vision, and they are treated well. Many opportunities are available to move around, move up, learn, and grow within the organization. Here are a few areas where you may want to start your career with us:

8. Your Veterinary Assistant Career Guide (Salary, Job Duties ...

  • However, it can sometimes be much more difficult to secure a job as a vet assistant without specific training or experience when you're competing against those ...

  • This is a guide to becoming a veterinary assistant. Learn more about vet assistant requirements, training, & salary.

9. Are There Any Vet Assistant Schools Near Me? - Animal Behavior College

  • ... veterinary hospital with little or no experience and apply for a veterinary assistant job! While there is nothing to prevent you from trying, applicants ...

  • Are there any vet assistant schools near me? For answers to questions about being a veterinary assistant, see the FAQ at Animal Behavior College.

Vet Assistant No Experience Near Me (2025)


What is the hardest part of being a vet assistant? ›

The hardest parts about being a vet assistant are often the more physically or emotionally demanding tasks and the stress that comes with working in a busy environment.

What is the most a vet assistant can make? ›

Veterinary Assistant Salary in California
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$43,917$3,659
75th Percentile$39,000$3,250
25th Percentile$31,100$2,591

What are the disadvantages for a vet assistant? ›

There are some disadvantages to being a veterinary assistant.
  • The salary you'll make will be lower than that of a registered veterinary technician, sometimes not much higher than minimum wage. ...
  • You will have to deal with the unpleasant sights and smells that are a regular part of any veterinary practice.

What does a typical day look like for a veterinary assistant? ›

The day typically starts early for a Vet Assistant. After arriving at the veterinary clinic or hospital, they begin by reviewing the day's appointments and preparing the clinic for patients. This may involve sanitizing exam rooms, setting up equipment, and ensuring all necessary supplies are readily available.

What is the average age of a vet assistant? ›

The average veterinarian assistant age is 28 years old. The most common ethnicity of veterinarian assistants is White (69.4%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (17.7%), Unknown (6.8%) and Asian (3.2%).

Is it better to be a vet tech or vet assistant? ›

The financial compensation for veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants reflects their education, training, and scope of responsibilities. On average, veterinary technicians tend to earn a higher salary than veterinary assistants due to their specialized education and the more complex nature of their duties.

Can you live off being a vet assistant? ›

The number of years of experience does improve earnings over time, but not by that much. Someone in the first few years of their career as a vet assistant can expect to make around $11.93 an hour, whereas those with 20 plus years of experience earn around $15.00 an hour.

Is being a vet tech worth it to pay? ›

On average, California vet techs earn between $36,130 and $55,110 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, depending on where they live, their experience, and their employer. Vet techs in the San Jose area earn the most, followed by San Francisco, Sacrament, and San Diego veterinary technicians.

What is the future outlook for veterinary assistants? ›

Employment of veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers is projected to grow 20 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 26,800 openings for veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

How do you ace a vet assistant interview? ›

For example, if they are a fear-free clinic, you will want to mention “fear-free” during your interview. Prepare stories that showcase your skills and share specific instances where you've demonstrated essential vet assistant skills, such as compassion, patience, and technical ability. Know your resume inside out.

Is it hard to be a vet assistant? ›

Veterinary assistants require diverse skills to be successful. Physical strength and manual dexterity are important because vet assistant jobs are typically very physical. You may be handling animals, lifting cages or equipment, administering medication, using medical equipment and collecting blood and urine samples.

What do vet assistants wear? ›

Medical scrubs worn by nurses and doctors are common in both the educational and professional veterinary settings. To add variety to their day-to-day uniform, vet techs may wear patterned tops or styles with breast pockets to hold supplies.

What is the most challenging part of being a VA? ›

Not Valuing Yourself. Your sense of self-worth can become a major struggle as you build your virtual assistant business. As women, we sometimes allow our feelings and fears to dictate how we run our businesses. You may feel like you're not good enough or that you don't know what you're doing.

Do you have to be good at math to be a vet assistant? ›

A vet assistant does not need to be good at math, just compassionate, organized, and able to follow instructions. Yes, someone who is terrible at math can still be a vet assistant. I am terrible at math and I am a vet assistant. It just takes a lot of patience and practice.

Why is being a vet tech so stressful? ›

Being a vet tech is stressful for a lot of obvious reasons, including long hours, a fast pace, difficult schedules, and having to do painful things to animals when you went into the field because you love them. But some of the reasons it's hard to cope with the stress may be less obvious.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.