The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1988–1991) is an American animated cartoon television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, based on the Winnie-the-Pooh books by author A. A. Milne.
Season 1 (1988-1989)
Pooh Oughta Be in the Pictures [1.1]
Friend in Deed [1.2a]
Donkey for a Day [1.2b]
- Piglet: Thank you. Thank you for sharing this, Eeyore. It's made everyone so happy.
- Eeyore: Just returning the favor, Piglet. Just returning the favor.
There's No Camp Like Home [1.3a]
- Mama Heffalump: Oh dear, papa. Marshmallows?
- Papa Heffalump: [eats one] So?
- Mama Heffalump: Don't you remember?
- Papa Heffalump: Oh yeah. [sneezes]
Balloonatics [1.3b]
- [To a scary scarecrow whose back is turned]
- Piglet: Oh, hello. You must be a friend of Rabbit. Have you come to visit him? [it of course doesn't answer] Oh, no need to be shy. I'm a friend of Rabbit's too. [He finally sees its scary face and runs] Yipe! Help!
- Balloon Judge: You, Pooh Bear, have accused of popping a balloon!
- Christopher Robin: He broke my balloon. How can I ever speak to him again? [crying]
- Balloons: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
- Balloon Judge: Silence! Pooh Bear, how do you plead?
- [Pooh stammering]
- Balloon Judge: Guilty!
- Balloons: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
- Pooh: Christopher Rooooooooooooooooooooooooobiiin!!!!!!! [Wakes up]
- Rabbit: [Horrified] Oh my! It's Pooh Bear!
- Piglet: [Horrified] Oh, he's going to tell Christopher Robin about the b-b-b-balloon!
Find Her, Keep Her [1.4]
- Kessie: Daddy sad?
- Rabbit: Daddy? No, no, no! I'm Rabbit.
- Kessie: Rabbie!
- Rabbit: Rabb-it! Rabb-it!
- Rabbit: F-fly s-south? Never! You! You keep your big feathers out of this! Why, if-if she was about to fly south, she would have wings. Hah. So then...
- Kessie: But Rabbie... I do have wings.
- Rabbit: Kessie, flying will lead to no good. Remember the promise you made me? About not going to high?
- Kessie: Well, yes, but...
- Rabbit: Good. No more talk about flying. We have lots more fun than flying.
- Kessie: [giggles] I flew Rabbie!
- Rabbit: You what?
- Kessie: Oh yes! Aren't you proud of me?
- Tigger: Yay!
- Kessie: Oh now I can fly south!
- Tigger: Hey, that's right you soloed! Oh boy, kiddo! There's nothing holding you down now.
- Rabbit: Don't you think I know?
- [Rabbit sadly walks away and a deflated Kessie hugs Pooh. Cut to Rabbit's house later in the evening]
- Kessie: Rabbie? Um, Rabbie? Could you read me one last bedtime story?
- Rabbit: You mean... before you... leave?
- Kessie: Oh no, I didn't mean that, I meant...
- Rabbit: You don't need me to read you a bedtime story. You don't need me... for anything.
- [Rabbit exits and shuts the door. Kessie sits in a rocking chair by the fire and starts crying]
- Rabbit: Kessie. Oh, Kessie.
- Kessie: Did you think I would leave before saying goodbye to you?
The Piglet Who Would Be King [1.5]
- Rabbit: This is a band of monkeys.
- Director Monkey: One and two!
- Rabbit: Excuse me, could I ask you something?
- Director Monkey: Sure! You have a request? Chattanooga Choo-Choo? Ludwig's Fifth? Hey! How about "The Last Train to Clarksville?" We can do it all, you know. Listen! One and two!
- Tigger: Okay, 10 pots from Kanga, check. 7 from Rabbit, check. 1 yo-yo from Roo?! Yuck, uncheck.
- Pygmy Piglet villager: The volcano has erupted! Please help us, O Great One!
- Piglet: M-M-M-Me?
- Pygmy Piglet villager: But we need you.
- Piglet: You're right. I should speak for myself. I may be little, but the pygmies look up to me.
Cleanliness is Next to Impossible [1.6]
The Great Honey Pot Robbery [1.7]
- Pooh: [setting a trap] ...And then the wagon with the cake rolls down the ramp and trips the rope which drops the washtub right onto the mice.
- Gopher: Doors?! Windows?! Ha! Whatever you want from now on, sonny, you're on your-- [He accidentally falls down his own hole.] WHHHOOOOOAAAA!!!
- [He crash lands onto the ground with a splat.]
Stripes [1.8a]
- Tigger: This is ridikkerous! I don't want to be a scotch pine.
Monkey See, Monkey Do Better [1.8b]
- Pooh: I'm Winnie the Pooh, but you can call me...
- Bruno: [laughs] Oh, that's priceless! A Pooh named Winnie?! [laughs]
- Tigger: Don't look now, but I think this ape's one banana short of a bunch.
- Bruno: Me? Can I bounce?
- Tigger: Not bad. For a beginner. But how about this? This is embarrassing.
- Rabbit: Hmph. Grandstanding If you ask me. Uh, how are you at horticulture?
- Bruno: (confused) Horsey what?
- Rabbit: Ha. Just as I suspected. You know nothing about gardening.
- Bruno: [laughs] I didn't just fall off the carrot truck! You want gardening?
Babysitter Blues [1.9]
How Much is That Rabbit in the Window? [1.10]
- Ted: Okay, fluff and stuff, hand over the tag!
- Rabbit: Uh, tag? [stammers] What tag?
- Ted: [yanks on Rabbit's tag] This tag! We've been in here a long, long time, see? And no kid ever wanted to buy us! First day, you get that thing on! [lets go of Rabbit's tag, making it slap onto his face] WHAM-O! Knee deep and customers!
- Rabbit: Oh! [holds up his tag] You want this tag? [the counterfeit toys nod their heads in agreement] Oh, well, uh, why didn't you say so? I thought you meant that tag. [points a different direction and runs off]
- Ted: Hey, I don't see any- [notices Rabbit is gone] What the?! After him, boys! He's got our ticket outta here!
- [They chase after Rabbit.]
- Rabbit: Never! I'll never give up my tag! Christopher Robin's gonna buy me! [bumps into a drum and goes flying into the counterfeit toys, crashing into some pillows] Phew! Thanks for catching me.
- Ted: Don't mention it.
- [Rabbit, remembering that they're after the special tag, screams and runs off. Only to bump into a doll.]
- Doll: Mama.
- [Rabbit, though feeling a little dazed, sees the counterfeit toys running towards him. He yelps and runs away, leaving the tag behind on the doll's arm.]
- Ted: We want that tag, see?
Gone With The Wind [1.11a]
- Pooh: Ooh! What a blustery morning. It must be Winds-day again. Oh, bother.
- [Piglet is hiding under a chair]
- Pooh: He's just being afraid. It's the wind, you know. [Pooh offers him a slice of cake] Piglet, make a wish.
- Piglet: I wish I never had to come out of here again.
Nothing But The Tooth [1.11b]
Paw and Order [1.12]
- Nasty Jack: What?! No cherry?
- Rabbit: Uh, let me answer that by saying...HELP!
- Pooh: Which um, reminds me, Eeyore and I have to go...find some honey.
- Rabbit: How can you think of food in a time like this?!
- Pooh: I practice.
- [Nasty Jack has accidentally ripped off Piglet's badge]
- Nasty Jack: Now look what you done! The badge fell off! You know what this means?
- Piglet: I'm not sheriff anymore?
- Nasty Jack: You're not sheriff anymore!
- Piglet: So I can go now?
- Nasty Jack: Oh sure, fine. That's just peachy, ain't it? Now I can't even trounce you! What in the blue blazes am I supposed to do?!
Honey for a Bunny [1.13a]
- Tigger: [repeated line whenever his boomerang returns to cause havoc] Duck!
- Rabbit: I-I don't think I want that honey after all, Tigger.
- Tigger: Oh come on, bunny boy. Can't you hear that old bookend calling? [throwing his voice] Rabbit!
- Rabbit: Alright, alright. What do I have to do?
Trap as Trap Can [1.13b]
- Papa Heffalump: Junior, you mean to say you trashed and throttled them for me? Oh, you shouldn't have done it, son.
- Mama Heffalump: Don't you remember? You're allergic to blowing up.
- Papa Heffalump: That is exactly what I'm allergic to. [sneezes, startles, snickers and sneezes with a tissue]
- Tigger: I'm proud of you, buddy boys. Very proud of you.
The Masked Offender [1.14a]
- Tigger: [repeated line] Masked offender to the rescue!
Things That Go Piglet in the Night [1.14b]
- Tigger: [preparing to push Eeyore on a swing, predictably too hard] Ready?
- Eeyore: No, but go ahead anyway.
Luck Amok [1.15a]
- [Tigger has just plucked all the apples from Rabbit's trees]
- Tigger: Ha! Don't worry, long ears. We won't let another one of these things drop on your noggin.
The Magic Earmuffs [1.15b]
- Roo: Hey, anybody want to play ice cookie?
- Christopher Robin: Isn't that ice hockey, Roo?
- Roo: No, we are out of hockey pucks, but mother gave me an oatmeal cookie.
The Wishing Bear [1.16]
- [Tigger is playing checkers with himself using various small objects]
- Tigger: Hmm...good move. But not good enough! Hoo hoo hoo! King Kong me! Ha ha! I win, I win, I...always win. Boy this sure is boring. [kicks over the checkerboard]
- [Pooh, inside a snowman, starts to sneeze]
- Tigger: Say, what's wrong with your snowman's schnozzola?
- All: Pooh Bear?
- Rabbit: All right, Pooh. I think you have some explaining to do.
- Pooh: I want to thank the wishing star. It made my most important wish come true.
- Christopher Robin: What wish is that?
- Pooh: You.
King of the Beasties [1.17a]
The Rats Who Came to Dinner [1.17b]
- [The pack rats pay with a walnut]
- Pooh: Oh. That's uh, very nice, but when things end up missing, not everyone is happy with walnuts in return.
My Hero [1.18a]
- Tigger: [singing as he scrubs Piglet's floor] Scrub a dub dub dub!
Owl Feathers [1.18b]
- Tigger: [laughs] Now you're gettin' the hang of it, Buddy Bird! It's just like flyin', uh, only usin' your legs.
- Owl: I say, what a wonderful feeling to be elevating back to my natural, old habitat. [takes a deep breath] Ah, to breathe the clean, fresh air. To gaze across the...
- [Unfortunately, Gopher's hole is there, and one of Owl's stilts falls into it, sending Owl plummeting down the hole, screaming. He then crashes into the ground with a thud.]
- Tigger: Whoops!
- ’’’Owl’’’: Ouch.
A Very Very Large Animal [1.19a]
- Piglet: I just finally realized something. There's small, and there's very small, and there's very very small. And it really doesn't matter what you are.
Fish Out of Water [1.19b]
Tigger's Shoes [1.20a]
- Tigger: Hoo hoo! Well, it's a good thing I hid them. [shuts his window, inadvertently causing Rabbit, who was hanging from the sill, to plummet and scream] Did you hear something?
Lights Out [1.20b]
- Pooh: Helmet, is that you? [holds up his candle up to Tigger's face]
- Tigger: YAAHHHH!!!! [His shriek puts out Pooh's candle, leaving them in total darkness. Pooh relights it]
- Pooh: Hello, Tigger. I didn't expect to see you down here.
- Tigger: I came to rescue you, buddy bear. I thought you might be lost!
- Pooh: I'm not lost! I'm right where I'm standing! [his cheerful smirk swiftly turns into a concerned frown] Unfortunately, where I'm standing may be lost.
- [A noise is heard]
- Tigger: What's that? What's that?! [jumps onto Pooh's shoulders; Pooh holds up his candle to reveal Eeyore]
- Eeyore: YAAHHHH!!!! [his shriek extinguishes the candle, as well; Pooh relights it again]
- Pooh: Hello, Eeyore. Have you come to rescue me, as well? [Another noise is heard and Pooh holds up his candle to show Rabbit. Just as Rabbit opens his mouth to shriek, Pooh swiftly blows out the candle himself]
- Rabbit: YAAHHHH!!!! [Pooh relights the candle]
- Pooh: Hello, Rabbit! If you're lost, you've come to the right place!
- Tigger: Yes, because of buddy bear taking Gopher's helmet, we're gonna be down here forever!
- Eeyore: Or longer...
The 'New' Eeyore [1.21a]
- Tigger': [looks for Eeyore] Eeyore just needs to be put in his place, as the bouncee, not the bouncer. And I'm just the Tigger to do it! Tally-hoo!
- Eeyore: Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! [bounces and tackles Tigger]
- Tigger: [Annoyed] How humiloratin'! Out bounced by a donkey!
- Eeyore: Do you wanna play with me, Tigger?
- Tigger: [Pushes Eeyore off-Upset and angry] No! I don't ever want to play with you again! Never ever! Why, why, you're a menace! Imagine going about bouncing helpless Tiggers like me!
Tigger, Private Ear [1.21b]
- Tigger: Aha! This case is solved! Piglet was here dreaming about daffodils, which as every genius private ear knows, Piglets are allergical to. [sniffs some daffodils but sneezes]
Party Poohper [1.22a]
- Pooh: [following a cookbook] 2 egg whites? Oh, but they're all white! [Pours the whole dozen in]
- Rabbit: [beside himself with rage] WHERE DOES THE SCHEDULE SAY "BUNNIES CRY"?! WHERE?! SHOW ME WHERE!
The Old Switcheroo [1.22b]
- Tigger: [singing] They'll put him in a steamy vat until he's soggy fried
- He'll try to climb the slippery walls
- But, no, they're much too HIGH!
Season 2 (1989)
Me and My Shadow [2.1a]
To Catch a Hiccup [2.1b]
Rabbit Marks the Spot [2.2a]
- All: [singing] Yo ho, everyone knows a pirate's life is free
- Yo ho, where ever we go, pirates is what we'll be
Goodbye Mr. Pooh [2.2b]
- Pooh: (humming while putting the empty honey jars in the wagon) Empty. All empty. Honey jars are only good for so many smackerels before they're all smackereled out. Goodbye, dear friend. I hope you like your new home at the dump.
- Tigger: (bounces inside Pooh's house) Hiya, buddy bear! What your doing?
- Pooh: Packing up my old honey jars.
- Tigger: Pooh, packing up?
- Pooh: You see? I'll be leaving soon to go to...
- Tigger: (gasps) Leaving? (the honey jar lands on Tigger's head) Pooh, Pooh! Where'd you go? Where'd you go? He's gone. I gotta tell the others. (lands on the floor which breaks the honey jar out of Tigger's head) Oops. Excuse me. Pooh boy! Not gone yet. Don't do nothing till I do nothing.
- Pooh: How very odd. I wonder if it was something I said.
- Tigger: Donkey boy, did you hear? Buddy bear's moving away.
- Eeyore: Worst news I've heard since I lost my house, which was about two seconds ago.
- Piglet: Moving away? Oh, d-d-dear. I miss him already. (Sniffs)
- Tigger: Pull yourself together, Piglet. He ain't gone yet.
- Rabbit: Oh, my. Oh, dear. Pooh's moving away. We must do something.
- Tigger: I got a terrifical idea. Let's throw him a surprise going-away party.
- Rabbit: Maybe. I have a better idea, Tigger. How about you get off me? Everybody? Ssh!
- Tigger: Be quiet!
- (All) Surprise!
- Pooh: Surprise! Exactly whom are we surprising?
- Rabbit: Why, you, Pooh. It's your surprise going-away party. See?
- Pooh: I am surprised. Why, I didn't even know I was going away.
- Tigger: Didn't you read the signs? "Goodbye." "So long." "We'll m-m-miss you."
- Rabbit: Pooh, we even have going-away presents for you.
- Pooh: A jar of honey! It's just what I always wanted, Piglet. How did you know?
- Tigger: Here we go, buddy bear!
- Pooh: Oh, thank you, Tigger! Oh, thank you, Eeyore!
- Eeyore: It's something sweet, sticky and golden.
- Pooh: So, Rabbit. What present do you have for me?
- Rabbit: Well er... Er... Look! A Jagular!
- Tigger: I don't see no Jagular.
- Rabbit: It was there yesterday.
- Piglet: Ooh! That was a close call.
- Rabbit: Here we go, Pooh. Happy going away.
- Pooh: Thank you, everyone. This is the best going-away party I've ever had. Actually, it's the only going-away party I've ever had.
- Piglet: (Sniffs) We're happy we made you happy, Pooh.
- Pooh: If I knew you cared so much about me, I would have moved away years ago.
- Tigger: (happily) That's the most nicest thing I've ever heard.
- Piglet: (Crying) I'm gonna miss you, Pooh. I can hardly believe you won't be with us. (Crying)
- Pooh: I know, Piglet. I can hardly believe it myself. Please don't make this any more difficult than it already is. We wouldn't want to disappoint our friends by staying after the wonderful going-away party they gave us. It's not so bad. We only have to go away long enough to have gone away. Then we'll un-go away. Our friends will be so happy to see us they'll probably throw a coming-home party. This is a nice spot to have gone away to. Now all I have to do is wait. That's long enough. I wouldnt want my friends to forget me entirely. I just hope I remember what they look like after all this time.
- Eeyore: Hello, Pooh. Back so soon?
- Pooh: You look familiar.
- Eeyore: Guess I'm pretty easy to forget. Name's Eeyore.
- Pooh: Of course. I never forget a tail. That's funny. This looks very much like a Pooh bear's house.
- Eeyore: Nope. Couldn't be. It's got an Eeyore in it. See?
- Pooh: Bother. I knew I shouldn't have gone away so long.
- Eeyore: Going so soon?
- Pooh: I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome.
- (Door Knocking)
- Pooh: Hello. Do you remember me? I'm...
- Piglet: Pooh, I'm so happy to see you. What are you doing back so soon?
- Pooh: It's a long story and even longer when I tell it. But at the moment I'm without a home.
- Piglet: Then I insist you stay with me.
- Pooh: Why, thank you, Piglet. I promise you won't even know I'm around.
- Piglet: Pooh, do you think you'll be done with dinner shortly? Soon it'll be time for breakfast.
- Pooh: Breakfast! That's one of my seven favourite meals of the day. Oh, bother. Out of honey again. Well, perhaps you're right, Piglet. Maybe it is time for bed. Good night, Piglet. Oh, not my house...
- Piglet: Oh, d-d-dear! What's that?
- (Cock Crows)
- (Pooh Snoring)
- Piglet: Oh, at last.
- Pooh: Good morning, Piglet. Did you sleep well?
- Piglet: (Crying)
- Pooh: Poor Piglet. He's having one of those nightmares you get when you're awake.
- Piglet: Pooh, you really don't have to do that.
- Pooh: I know, Piglet. But I want to do something to show my appreciation.
- Piglet: Pooh, I really enjoy having you here, but... Don't you think you'd be happier in your own place? Maybe you should ask Eeyore to leave.
- Pooh: Oh, I couldn't do that. It would probably be best if I just lived with you. Forever.
- Piglet: Yikes! What I mean is, it is your home. You need to stand up for yourself, Pooh. Just practice saying, "This is m-my home. I want you to m-m-move out."
- Pooh: This is m-my home. I want you to m-move out. (Chuckles) This is my home. I want you to move out. This is my home. I want you to move out. Piglet, I think I have it.
- Piglet: Did you call, Pooh?
- Pooh: This is my home. I want you to move out.
- Piglet: B-But I-I-I... All right, Pooh. I'll leave. G-Goodbye, Pooh.
- Pooh: Piglet, where are you going?
- Piglet: You t-t-told me to leave.
- Pooh: Oh, Piglet. I was only practicing what you told me to say.
- Piglet: You know, Pooh, you're very convincing.
- Pooh: Thank you, Piglet. But I'm afraid I'm too convincing. I can't ask Eeyore to leave.
- Piglet: Then what are you going to do?
- Pooh: The only thing I can do, Piglet. Give Eeyore a housewarming party.
- Rabbit: Be quiet!
- Piglet: That's my foot!
- Tigger: Old donkey boy will be surprised when he sees the party we're tossing him!
- Eeyore: I can hardly contain myself. Sorry to disappoint you but it's only me, donkey boy.
- Pooh: Surprise!
- Tigger: It's a little late on the surprises, buddy bear.
- Eeyore: "So long." "Good-bye." "We'll m-miss you." Nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, throwing me a going-away party. Should have expected it, though.
- Rabbit: But, it's not a going...
- Eeyore: Don't worry. I can take a hint. Ta-ta for now.
- Tigger: Piglet, old pal. Maybe I shouldn't have used signs from Pooh's party. Eeyore, wait a minute! You've got it all wrong!
- Pooh: Oh, my. A housewarming party with no-one to warm the house with. I didn't have a chance to give Eeyore his present. Well. Come along, Piglet. It's time I started to look for a place of my own to live in.
- Piglet: You know, Pooh, since you happen to be looking for a house, and there doesn't seem to be anyone staying in this house, perhaps you could live here. (Chuckles)
- Pooh: You know, Piglet, you're right. There's something about this house that feels very homey.
Bubble Trouble [2.3a]
- Tigger: [mixing ingredients for an unusual bubble recipe] Better add a little more glue, and a lot more honey. And a little more of this and a dash of that and a few of these and one of those, a pinch of them and [laughs] ah, that ought to do it.
GroundPiglet Day [2.3b]
- Rabbit: [mistaking a snowman for Piglet] Oh no! You're frozen solid!
All's Well That Ends Wishing Well [2.4]
- Tigger: Banana splits and Pogo sticks and submarines and Lima beans and- Lima beans?! Yuck! How'd they get into my birthday?
- Tigger: What'd I tell you? I'll show you how dumb this is. I wish I had a peanut butter and jello sandwich, and a root beer to wash it down with. [his wish comes true] D-d-did you see that?
- Piglet: Ooh, it looks real.
- Tigger: [eats it] It is real. [laughs] Birthday wishes do come true!
- Tigger: Happy birthday? To me? [opens one of two presents and gasps] A banana split! [Opens the other present] Then this must be a...! It's gotta be a...! YAHOO!
- [His cheering can be heard from far away]
- Piglet: I guess he found his Pogo stick.
Un-Valentine's Day [2.5]
- Tigger: [bounces Piglet, sending his cake flying into the sky] Hiya Piglet old pal! What's up?
- Piglet: Uh, up? [his cake is "up"]
No Rabbit's a Fortress [2.6a]
- Tigger: It's long ears! I'm coming for you, bunny boy! [bounces a Rabbit scarecrow on a spring] Wait a minute. This isn't Rabbit! I've been boobied. [the spring rebounds on him]
The Monster Frankenpooh [2.6b]
- Piglet: [as a mad scientist, he creates a PB&J sandwich] Mmm, peanut butter and jelly. My favorite. And it's so very good for you too.
Where Oh Where Has My Piglet Gone? [2.7a]
- Pooh: I promise I shall never ever lose you anymore. [peers into shower, but Piglet is gone] Piglet? Piglet! Oh, I've done it again!
Up, Up and Awry [2.7b]
- [Everyone but Rabbit has been jailed by Tigger]
- Rabbit: Let's go, Tigger. Oh dear dear dear. It's too bad I wasn't able to stop Pooh bear earlier. None of this would've happened in the first place- [Tigger winks at the audience] No! Wait Tigger! I didn't mean-!
- [Rabbit is now in jail]
Eeyore's Tail Tale [2.8a]
- Piglet: [attaching Eeyore's tail to a scary balloon] There, my bully bamboozler is all finished.
- Tigger: Don't move, false face! We caught you pink handed!
- Piglet: Caught me? Caught me doing what?
- Tigger: Caught you looking like this poster, of course.
Three Little Piglets [2.8b]
Prize Piglet [2.9a]
- Tigger: Show us how fast you can run to that tree and back. one for the honey, two for the road, 3 to get ready, and off you go! [gasp] Why, that was so fast I didn't even see you go!
Fast Friends [2.9b]
Pooh Moon [2.10a]
- Rabbit: For the last time, you're not going to catch anything in that ridiculous trap because there is no such thing as a grab-me gotcha. [Pooh and Piglet fall in Tigger's trap] Help! Don't let it grab me! I surrender!
Caws and Effect [2.10b]
- [Pooh sets scarecrows of his friends at the door, which the crows open]
- Pooh: Surprise! [The crows are alarmed and flee] I wonder where they're off to in such a hurry.
Season 3 (1990)
Oh Bottle [3.1a]
Owl in the Family [3.1b]
Sham Pooh [3.2a]
- Tigger: Hey buddy bear! [turns and accidentally spills honey on Owl]
- Pooh: No, there's nothing in there I want.
- Tigger: [seeing what happened to Owl] Aha! It's Owl! I mean, it's Pooh! I know what I mean.
- Pooh: Tiptoeing would be a great deal easier if you knew what it is that you try not to step IN!!
- [He falls down a hole and crashes into the ground. Piglet then pushes him out.]
- Piglet: Dagnabbit! What's goin' on here, sonny?! How am I supposed to find a missing appetite when folks are always droppin' in unexpectedly?!
- [He goes back in the hole and digs away.]
- Pooh: I don't know exactly what it is, but Gopher doesn't seem to be himself today.
Rock-a-Bye Pooh Bear [3.2b]
What's the Score Pooh? [3.3a]
- Pooh: [removes a rock from under a round boulder] Maybe one of these would do? [the boulder starts rolling towards them] Oh bother.
Tigger's Houseguest [3.3b]
- Tigger: [seeing termites in a matchbox] Huh. Looks like I have a houseguest. Why, it must be a blue-faced yellow bellied housefly. Hiya, little fella! My name's Tigger. What's yours? The shy type, no doubt. That's alright, baby. You and me are gonna be best friends. We'll go places and do facts like going for walks, playing marbles, singing songs in four-part harmony, just the two of us.
Rabbit Takes a Holiday [3.4a]
- Rabbit: Such a lot of relatives, and none of them would let me do a thing for myself. "Your breakfast, Rabbit. Your bath is ready, Rabbit. Your bed is ready." It's a wonder I didn't lose my mind! Why, I'll probably need a vacation to recover from this vacation.
Eeyi Eeyi Eeyore [3.4b]
- Eeyore: Gardener's work is never done. Now let's see, what should I do first? Water the weeds or feed the bugs?
Pooh Skies [3.5]
- Tigger: You remember that crazy old story about the cat who played out of tune? [in his fantasy, a cow rams Tigger and he flies straight through the moon] He fiddled so bad, a moo cow got mad and k-nocked him clear to the moon.
- Pooh: Oh my.
- Tigger: The whole sky was bare when the kitty got there and he fell to what looked like his doom. [in his fantasy, a round plate sits on a wall] Meanwhile down on the ground, all cuddly and round, Humphrey Dumphrey sat on his wall. Then he heard a strange noise. [in his fantasy, a hollering Tigger falls on the wall, catapulting him away] And he gazed up on high and that kitty came falling right out of the sky. He sent Humphrey flying like a chubby old bird. But where the guy landed, I won't say a word.
- [Tigger has built a very long ladder stretching across the landscape]
- Tigger: I came. I sawed. I hammered.
- Rabbit: This will get us up there.
- Piglet: But how do we get it up there?
- [They find a massive pipework system in the clouds]
- Pooh: Why, this must be the cloud machine Christopher Robin told me about.
- Gopher: And there is where your cloud soup's coming from.
To Bee or Not to Bee [3.6a]
April Pooh [3.6b]
- [Piglet has been fooled into thinking it's flooding outside]
- Pooh: This outside looks dry.
- Piglet: Are you sure?
- Pooh: Yes Piglet. We shall just have to look for another outside to find your flood. Either your flood is a very dry flood, Piglet, or it is hiding somewhere.
A Knight to Remember [3.7]
- Rabbit: Uh, which ones? Well the uh, magician's not here, and uh, there's no bishop.
- Tigger: Say, the bish-hop sounds like my kind of guy. Hoo hoo!
Tigger is the Mother of Invention [3.8a]
- Tigger: The little guys got carried off and carried me off.
- Rabbit: Tigger, this fact has caused nothing but damage from the start.
- Tigger: Oh, I guess you're––– [sniffles] Right. My inventions have been messing stuff up. I'm just a flat-out, outright, downright failure. I'll never be able to show my handsome face again! TTFR; ta-ta for real.
- Pooh: We can't let him now show his handsome face ever again.
- Rabbit: Don't worry, Pooh Bear. We'll speak Tigger out if he calms down a bit. Oh, well, we'd better get home. It's getting late, and this snow is getting heavier.
The Bug Stops Here [3.8b]
- Christopher Robin: [his bug is feasting on vegetables] He's huge. I'm going to have the best science project in the entire class.
- Roo: Uh, Christopher Robin.
- Christopher Robin: Yes, Roo?
- Roo: He's kind of our friend.
- Dexter: Yes. And we wish to know if he will have to remain a science project forever.
- Christopher Robin: [laughing] Don't worry, guys. As soon as I show him in school tomorrow, I'll let him go.
- Dexter: Oh. Really?
- Roo: That’s grand!
- Rabbit: Just what I need; another bug, and such a hungry one.
Easy Come, Easy Gopher [3.9a]
Invasion of the Pooh Snatcher [3.9b]
- Tigger: Spring is the jagular's favorite time of year for springing out unexpectedly at collectibibbles.
Tigger Got Your Tongue? [3.10a]
- Pooh: He says, "Look out for the Ho-OLE!!"
- [He and Piglet fall into Gopher's hole. Tigger slides into view and bounces himself into the hole as well. The three then crash into the ground.]
A Bird in the Hand [3.10b]
- Kessie: That's okay, Rabbit. It's nice just being here.
- Rabbit: Rabbit? But you used to call me Rabbie, remember?
- Kessie: I'm too old for that.
- Rabbit: Oh no, Kessie. You'll always be my little baby bird. But what matters now is, you're back. Back to stay forever.
Season 4 (1991)
Sorry, Wrong Slusher [4.1]
- Christopher Robin's Neighbor: And now. What is it? Hello, operator. Get me the police.
Grown But Not Forgotten [4.2]
- Piglet: Cookie, anyone?
- Tigger: Oh boy! Chow time! [takes the entire plate]
- Rabbit: Gentlemen take only one cookie
- Tigger: It's a good thing I'm on a diet.
- Piglet: Tea, Pooh?
- Pooh: Oh, just a drop...if you please.
- Rabbit: Pooh bear!
- Piglet: One lump or two, Tigger?
- Tigger: Make it 50! [dumps the entire sugar bowl]
- Rabbit: Tigger! Where are your manners?
- Tigger: Must have left them in my other suit. [slurps the tea]
- Rabbit: No no no! Proper gentlemen drink with the pinky extended like so. Now you may pass the milk, Tigger.
- Tigger: Why certainly. Go out long, Piglet! [uses the pitcher as a football]
- Tigger: First for all, you move into a new house. Nah. It's got to be a big old house. [the house starts to grow] What? You call that big? [the house grows ...] With a 200-car garage, and a tree with a swing and a garden full a daffodills, and a couple of pink flamingos and a mailbox made to match. [inhales] And last but not least, and off-white pickety fence.
A Pooh Day Afternoon [4.3]
- Christopher Robin: I can't believe this happened they trusted me with their dog and I lost him twice.
- Pooh: Do you did your best?
- Christopher Robin: No, Pooh. I never should have left the dog alone it was my responsibility.
- Piglet: But, you.
The Good, the Bad and the Tigger [4.4]
- [The train runs over Piglet's decree, sending shredded paper everywhere like ticker tape]
- Pooh: Oh look, Tigger! Piglet's giving us a parade!
- Rabbit: Yeah, but what happened to the train, Tigger? It's not like it could have just rolled off by itself.
- [The train comes running, destroys the Gopher's swing and the police station and everyone runs away]
- Pooh: Piglet!
- Rabbit: Our sheriff!
- Tigger: I knew would work.
- Eeyore: About time.
- Piglet: Thank you for saving my life, Tigger, and the town, even if it took you two weeks to do it.
- Tigger: Hey, don't mention it. Hoo hoo! That's what tiggers do the best.
- Rabbit: But Tigger's still a train-napper. None of this would have happened if it weren't for him.
- Pooh: But he never meant to train-nap. He only meant to train-borrow, and then it went out of control.
- Piglet: But borrowing without asking is bad, too, especially when you don't say please and thank you.
- Tigger: I'm sorry. Give me another chance. Please? I promise I'll hang up my ice cream scoops for good.
- [Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit and Eeyore they murmur between the four]
- Piglet: Tigger, we talked it over and decided to let you off this time with a warning.
- Gopher: And I was all set for a good swinging, dag nabbit.
- Christopher Robin: Hi, guys. I see you didn't touch my train while I was gone. And because you were so good, I'm going to let you operate the controls. And you, Tigger, are first because you wanted it so much.
- Tigger: No, thanks. I'm trying to cut back. Hey. Anyone want to go outside and play "guess who's sleeping"?
- Pooh: Oh, how wonderful.
- Rabbit: Always cheating again.
- Piglet: Can I borrow a pillow?
- Christopher Robin: Oh, well. Hey, guys, wait for me. I want to play.
Home Is Where the Home Is [4.5]
- Rabbit: I'll take care of this. Glue?
- Pooh: Yes, Rabbit. [hands him a honeypot]
- Rabbit: I said glue, Pooh, not you, Pooh!
Shovel, Shovel, Toil and Trouble [4.6a]
- Gopher: But wait'll you see what I ordered next. A steam shovel, uh, spoon, a nuclear powered drill! I think I'll name her Nancy. [everyone runs in horror]
The Wise Have It [4.6b]
- [Pooh's birthday cake is covered with candles]
- Tigger: Hoo! I knew buddy bear was having a birthday. I just didn't know he was having so many.
Cloud, Cloud Go Away [4.7a]
- [The cloud starts raining on Tigger]
- Pooh: Don't cry, little cloud. Tigger didn't mean it.
- Tigger: Hey, knock it off! Don't you have a parade you can go rain on? Why am I the only one to get drenched by this cloud?!
- Pooh: Oh, perhaps it doesn't like wet bears...
- Tigger: Well, I don't like wet clouds.
To Dream the Impossible Scheme [4.7b]
- [The rutabaga potato blooms]
- Pooh: Oh my. Is it Tuesday the 15th already?
Piglet's Poohetry [4.8a]
- Pooh: The birdie is actually Piglet.
- Tigger: You sure if I toss him up into the wild blue yonder, he won't flap around for us?
Owl's Well That Ends Well [4.8b]
- [Rabbit is a victim of Tigger's swill trap]
- Rabbit: Tigger, what is this?
- Tigger: This, bunny boy, is swill.
Character Cast
- Jim Cummings as Winnie the Pooh, Papa Heffalump, Smudge, Crud, Mr. Usher, Nightmare Balloons, Nasty Jack, Ted, Grandpappy Gopher, Bruno and Tigger
- John Fiedler as Piglet, Pygmy Piglet and Nasty Jack’s Member 3
- Tim Hoskins as Christopher Robin
- Patricia Parris as Kanga the Kangaroo, Christopher Robin's Mom, Mama Heffalump, The Female Prairie Dog and the baby Prairie Dog
- Dori Whitaker as Roo the Kangaroo and Junior Heffalump
- Ken Sansom as Rabbit, Pinky, Clerk, Laughing Hyena, Monkey Band Instructor, Stan, Judge and Nasty Jack’s Member 2
- Paul Winchell as Tigger, The Crayon Solider and Nasty Jack's Gang Member 1
- Peter Cullen as Eeyore, Wooster, The Mayor Prairie Dog and the Man on TV
- Hal Smith as Owl, The Librarian Prairie Dog, Dexter, Torbit and Ophelia
- Michael Gough as Gopher
- Laura Mooney as Kessie
- Tracy Rowe as Kessie
- Chuck McCann as Heff and Vacuum Head
- Jackie Gonneau as Tammy the Babysitter
- Hamilton Camp as Grocery Store Clerk
- Nicholas Omana as Pizza Delivery Guy
External links
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