Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2025)

a a THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1869. Privato Treaty, a ART. Collection 55, of CONTINEN, Walker and (of respeotfully Vienna) anuounce TOPOLD interesting eminent Modern artiate OIL of Venice, PAINTINGS, thief of the Munich, do. Schrank, Kwale, Haech, Do Laule, Perlier, Ebert, Yung, Van Thoma, Kutsab, E. de Calzado, Streitt, the form works contineutal and embrace admirable aud highly-Interesting dad of of Salzburg, and unarine Italian scenery, the Rhine, de, and kuow figures, Englieb other contiuental compositions tourists, subjecta, ton are wow on Sale by Frivato of 27 dafa, class Fire SAFE, with cash Andreas 74, Murcury-oftice.

on Hule, tho 251y31 A large Park Quantity ot Old 271y29 and Birch WASHSTANDS or bottom of Tattles, Co. with 25 and warble 47, tops, for 218. 6d, each. 28myj03 -Apply and toned walnutwood Piano street, forte, price £17 Windsor. BRICKA, (punntity other on Sale, BUILDING at the Old RIALS.

of Park-lann. 27 my large CARPET to he Bold, entranco Newington, to saber, 37myje? he ARO a a SITATE In in tho the LYOLUM LIVERPOOL, NEWSROOM LIBRARY. both, (post paid) Harold, tor 27 £5), Drat class Euglish Might-day Sharestreet, nearly Erskiue by street, islington. 20my28 -Apply Sale. a in SIGN, good suitable condition, for a with gateway, massive feet by border.

21 3 laches, Rodney street. 26myjel -To CHINE, to 8old, with a Giver and Baker Look-stitoh. first-plasa Family SEWING 21, Fine 20ruy28 MALL ORGAN Also, with Rosewond pedala. Uabizot Piano; excellent price dition. Great It mer-street.

26myjel HEELER £7 WILSON the 3 £10 Royal Sewing SEWING Machine sold Depot, 19, Reusbow reet. 251uyje? FILLIOX only, new, GIBBS' at tho Royal HAND-SEWING Sewing Machino MACHINE 16 58, 19, Reushaw-street, Liverpool. 25myje7 WATCHMAKERS for AND Watches Going To Eight be Daya, Sold, B2, Mercury-olice. 251y valuable HANDSOME town, Grey price PARROT also and Poodle CAGE DOG, ou Bale, prico talker at Li, 251y31 33ft. Giu.

and loug, Joiats, Flooring Doors, Shuttera, old Bricks, on Sale at the Park lane. 24 my TOLD STREET. Second-band Pianos and --N. L. Fan Hruisen has a large Stook of Second hand PIANOS low and HARMONIUMS, at race edingly prices for cash, 251yj021 SIVANISED Corrugated SHEETS on Bale at the Forgo Rivet and Bolt Works, near Birkenhead, 3my23 C'ottago.

would full The owner going sell it A great bargalu for reudy 27myje? AHOUAN Dining- SUITE, la dull grain To he Sold a bargain. Price £18 108. -Apply to 37, St. Anno-street. 27 myje2 TERB Drawing SUITE, covered in Ailk.

guineas; a really first-class to 37, 8t. Aune-stroet. 27 my Sale, a Four-pared BUAY, for Dee or Length, 19 feet. Light aud safe. -Apply to the Salt, Obester.

24my29 Square PIANO FORTES, in neat mahogany good tone, suitable for hard practioo, price at J. Wheeler's, 29, Low-bill. 22m728 OND-HAND Cottage PIANO FORTE, in nond wood caso, sweet powerful tone, and in excellont guinena, at J. Wheeler's, 29, Low-hill. 221y23 Salo (a bargain), un excellent Second-band Winged WARDROBE, painted oak, 6ft.

8in. £5. At G. Smith's, 359, Richmond- row. 22my28 HEAP, Two carital COUNTERS, 9 feet and 6 fect containing 17 large drawers, shelving, cornice, to J.

Roberta, 96, London rond. 22my be Sold, 8 lot of REMNANTS of OLOTH to A. J. 18, Williamsoncorner of 22myjel8 1610s. -A be large seen at Four-door Lewis Babor's, Secretary 4, Roscoe-arcade, Newington, Bold street.

P'oase note the address. 27 my FURAKERS AND FLOUR DEALERS. -On Bale, Scale (Avery's patent), large Foment Cana, Trough, Public Tina, Peels, Tina. -79, Paddington. 26myjel ROOM SUITE, comprising aix sinall ohatre, cany chair, and couch covered in ront leather, with dining tablos with patent metallio scrow.

lot, 17 guineas. -Apply to Morris and 25 and street. 28mg je3 Lever Centre-Recond Hunting WATOH by Russell, Liverpool, a Coloured (old Albort, and Gipsy Diamond Hedged for £24, The duplicato can be had for between vine a.m, and four p.m., to J. Euleron-street. 28myjo3 De Miscellaneous.

28 phle 2510 a bute 35 my 24 L. B. odorati urines able fo -Apply my gh, sol rough orth de iker, my 8 lo taki vie 37 my 24 Retrior factor 320192 27 myl 80 yea. motto. terriApply myJel suitab.

at tnyjel ald pply myjel Rote Irvine nyjel AM.1 ty31 25 my see. baud. ound. toy 0q OWEN my3l thri ca uy231 a big thr 281 'and Fable 28 15 by vit 131 AR Irthe To re CEAB, Ivi Ly281 12 Julai rued mad jo2 octo. 088M (late fe3 ares are, 63 Gauce ly a 01 ked al the be Gold us, 100.

ARTIES ell 31, 15. Lucury-ollico. nd 81500 Mercury-otlico. EON bramu, Lterpool. per freturning to Acceptances Eco.

will' payment. THE 01 bilutt, gold kaurities, SI. Building buildings, furniture, Goldman THE PANY. buriahing and. -Apply UNEY, by BUILDING Bjnf-29 ou Geode, and Jones, 14, MONEY heir traumal, desired, any ONEY rate on borrower's confidence a term ot aLd unancial MONEY Male in Apply, adit Country E.C.

Unlice can Borrow, upon overy description of available Security, at 203, B. Sherlock. 20myjel TANTED to Borrow, for six montha, £8, for which will he paid. Good security 28 my 31 MONEY to be LENT, on Mortgage, 5 per to Langton and Mathisou, 11, Queon's-bulllings, Date-stroet. 27 myje2 L'ANTED, Loan of £80, on Torsonal Security.

payment according to 26myjel SCREW-STEAMER on Sale, Leugth, 72 feet; 14 feet 6 inches. 45-horso power, with coudensiug Apply to Ohsrlee Mitoholl, 71, Lord-atreot, 28myjel to Borrow, on mortgage, the sum of £1500, cent. interest, ou good leasehold security, capable more than double the A. my 31 Tradesman in a good position, regulring accommiddation extent of about would be glad to Exchange with really safe A 22, Merourymy 28 wantod, for oue month. A Tradesman give £10 for this accommodation, and deposit value £100 as security to guaranteo punotual -Address 25, Mercury-ofico.

26my 28 PALMERSTON PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY de prepared to make ADVANOH9 upon Security of Houses and Land. -Apply to Chesworth 13, North John 20myjel Advaured to any amount on deposit and silver plate, diamouds, watches, or other at moderate charges, at Smith and Hammond's, Sobo-street, Liverpool. 5myjol 5100,000 or on Mortgage Property, of by Freabold, Permanent LeaseSocieties. -Apply to Hosking, 33, BrunswickBrowawick-street, Liverpool. Gapjy3 unmediatoly a DVANCED on Manufaotured Gooda, Plate, Watches, Diamonda, Jowellery, Pianos, Stocks, to.

Goads Bought for Immediate cash.and Collins, 33, (Private house.) je23 LIVERPOOL, ONINA, AND INDIA TEA COX. To bu Bold, four £10 Shares In the abovo company, on which E5 per sharo is paid tap. No offer will be refused, as the owner is leaving Engto J. H. 6, Southhill-road.

to aug amount, ready to he Advanced security of Froebold, 1 vasehold, or Oopyhold Property, PROSPEROUS TERMINATING OF PERMANENT SOCIETIES, or on PRIVATE MORTGAGE. GEO, GOLDING, 40, North John-street. LENT in from 10a, up to any amount, Plate, Watches, Jewels, Manchester and Yorkshire Merchandise of every desorption. Oountry munications Immediately replied to. -Address Mr.

Canning Ohambure, South Castle-street. 20mbje18 confidentially ADVANCED, from £90 upwards, reepoctable Householders in town or country, upon Furniture and ERects of auy desoription, without the free use of the same retained, and, publicity avoid Goldman and Collins, 33, (private house). 26myje22 ADVANCED to reapeotable Persons on modepersonal or other available security, in some cages own security, with easy ropoywents. Striot observed in all trausactions. Loans arranged for to George Whitt accouutants agents, 57, South 12myaul0 ADVANCED to respectable Persous, either or Female, Married Householders or town or country, upon their own personally or by letter, to the Manager of the London Mercantile Agenoy, 102, Fleet-street, London, hours elevon till five: Saturdays, eleven till 8myjot GENERAL OFFIOR8-98, LOAN DUKE-STREET.

ASSOCIATION. Fatahlished 1843. LOANS ADVANOED, from 816 upwards, on Personal Bevuritlen, or other available security, Tarjs6 BIMON HUGHES, Secretary, LIVERPOOL LOAN COMPANY, LIMITED. 87. LORD.STREET, L'TOOL, ENTABLISHED 1846.


flee, Deeds, Rallway and Unilding forlo, or other Security, Bills Discounted. T. CLAYTON SQUARE, LIVERPOOL. lapje30 TERENCE EVANS, Mausger. from 420 at a tow houra' notice, to Parm Stocke respootable Householdens on their Furniture, also on and Effects, without romoval.

Executiona for Heut by the Sheriff or County Oourt promptly paid out. No churve Suction. fur Goode Interent on Goode intonded for bora Ade Hale by Advanced of any description warehoused, and and thercon at 5 per personally, between Ten Twelve dally, to Morris and auctioneers, 25 and Berry street. 19mljel4 TINION LOAN DISCOUNTS COMPANY, LIMITED RENSHAW-STREET, LIVERPOOL Boonrito, LOANS Deeds FROM nt E8 TO www. -vol on Personal and other approved croperty the expense of MortSoon HILLS buther promptly UNTED at reasonable rates.

Head Unica alonlara 2nd apply at the ay above. WILLIAM DAY, Manager. OF 45, OROPPER STREET, PERPOOL: BIRKEN. HEAD, HT. RUNCORN.

13apjy10 THE BIRKENHEAD IMPROVEMENT COMMIS The SIONER8. -LOANS OF MONEY. Birkenhead Improvewent Commissioners are prepared (to breceive Loans of Money. to the amount of about £10,000 replace Loans falling Que) the seourity, by way of mortgage, of the rates and property of the Commissioners at the rato of provisions of the Birkenhead Improvement Auts, £4 Interest 10a. per centum per for five years and upwards.

f8. per ceutin per anuum for three years, 1st warrants for the whole term, payable half-gearly. on Con. missioners, January in and the Birkenhead. lat July, at Livorpool, the or Bankers Loudou, of the are deaun1 mortgage.

All offore to be to Mr. W. Hardiaty, of the Commissioners, Birkontrad -By order. AMBROSE Clerk to the Comuissionera, Commissioners' Ofices, Birkenhoad, May, 1869. mwf 8'8 00 000 00 A.

Ouly in and lib. Packets-tin-lined and lebaHed. BOLD BY THE TRADE IN ALL PARTS. 19del? JAILER EPPS Homeopathio Chemists, London, THE "GALLOWAY" CONICALTUBES FOR BOILERS economise fuel, raise steam quiokly, promote existing thorough boilera. circulation of water, and are easily adapted to Patentees, Upwards W.

of J. 50,000 at GALLOWAY SONS, Engincers and Boller Makera, Mancheator. 12myje30 NOTICE ANTIBILIOU8 JOHN PILLS. PRIESTLEY'S all Chemists aud LORD- Druggists, STREET) ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, 18mugjolt sold by London; Kalmes and Liyerpool, Education. R.

and ACADEMY, the 93, Misses Roushaw-street, OLERO'S Lirerpool; DANCING and Mr. H. Olero'e Academy, 65, Argyle strect, Birkenhead. tor Beginners Monday aud Thursday Evenings Class for Advanced Punila, Tucsday and Friday Juvenile Olas on Saturdays at Two o'oluok. EMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, BASSETT REORIVES YOUNG LADIES to Board and with Educato.

Her aim to to impart a sound English education, the usual accomplishments, based upon Obristian prinefpler, Strict attention is paid to the hoalth as well aa to the moral aud rel traluing of the pupila. Torme: Board and English education, 25 guineas per aunum. SOHOOL, Shifnal, ShropLL. for ten years Priucipal of Meraton House School, Master. Bev.

W. F. SATORELL, B.A., liberal and comprebeudve Education la given, with superior rental and moral training. Valuable EXHIBITIONE to Oxford are open to all pupila of the shook Boarders are reoolved at 10 and 45. -For prospectus apply to the Rev.

W. F. Batobell, Shitnal, Salop. DIRKDALE COLLEGE, Birkdale Park, SOUTHPORT, LANOASHIRE. PRINCIPALS: The Rov.

EDWIN WEBSTER, and The Rev. GEORGE COMPTON SMITH, M.A. THE NEW COLLEGE BUILDINGS Will (D. be OPENED ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1869. This Institution wan established some years ago for the purpose of providiug a FIRST OLASS EDUCATION AND TRAINING ON With EVANGELICAL the mort CHRISTIAN MODERATE PRINCIPLES, Prospectuses, refercoces, from and views of College Buildings, PRINCIPALB: Mosers.

WEBHTER SMITH. 000 Building Societies. CROMWELL PERMANENT BENEFIT tion Shares, to £10 cach, may be taken up at any time, on applicaBUILDING SOOIETY. 21, Harrugton-street, OROSLAND, Bearetary, EDWARD Liverpool IM KROURY SOCIETY. PERMANENT BUILDING or Advances Copyhuld now ready on Mortgage of Freehold, ad the office of G.

E. HOLT, may be had upon -Every information application Becretary, Union -court, street. VERTON AND WEST DERBY Abares 410 PERMANENT BUILDING This in the each. Entrance la. per Share, Yearly Dividends, 1100 largest building society in Liverpool, having paid merubeza, capital, shares, 8928,000 on mortgage, 3190,000 up prompt and advances surplus profits.

Monthly recolyta on may be taken on application to Josiah Hosking, 33, bEl, wick-struct: dr to James Pendlebury. 78, Brownlow. Sapiy8 EST DERBY AND EVERTON TERPETUAL BUILDING SOCIETY. Shares 510 each. Annal Dividenda, Nu Entrants Fee.

Pal0-np capital, £113.000. Owing on mortgage, 8100,000, £5000 surplus profits. 1126 members, holding 20,283 shares, Preforence shares Issued with a fired Avo per pant. dividend, Tho tuonthly receipts average 84000. Four por cent.

on loans. may be taken on application to Josiah Hosking, 88, Brunswiok-bulldings, Brunswickor to James Pondloburs, 78, Brownlow-bill, Liverpool. Japly! BUILDING SOCIETY, Ratablished December, 1882. Shares £10 each. Entrance Fees la, per Share.

Amount outstanding on mortgage 8195,060 Amount received In January 13,800 Reserve after payment of dividend, 10,290 SECOND CHATHAM BUILDING SOCIETY, Eatabliahed Beptember, 1887. Shares £10 cach. Entrance Fees 1s. per Share. Amount outstanding on mortgages £50,000 Amount received in January 8,820 Shores may be taken, and coples of reports and any Infor: nation way be had any day, on application to the Sooretary, J.

LLOYD JONES, Lord-street, Publications. SELF-ADVANCEMENT. NEW SUBJECTS JUST COMMENDED IN MASSELL'S NEW POPULAR EDUCATOR, Part 19, prico 7d. Lossons populariaing this most interosting science, OIVIL SERVICE Forming a Complete Guide to tho Oivil the present time, CORRESPONDENCE IN Set of Model Buslness Letters in Fronch and English. ENGLISH -A Courao of Lessons upon tho Greatest Works in the English Language.

of EXEROISES Examinations IN To meet the requirements where Goometry is introduced. READINGS IN familiarise students with the Latin Oleasice. Ordor OASBELL'S NEW POPULAR EDUCATOR, the Part 19, scope price and 7d. Sold everywhero, Prospectuses showing tional Work sent range of this most comprehensivo Educapost-freo on application to the Publishers. CASSELL, PETTER, GALPIN, LUDGATE HILL, E.0.

28my31 TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), May 20, will bo issued, a DOUBLE NUMBER OF THE LLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, CONSISTING OF A PICTURE, PRINTED IN COLOURS, ENTITLED "THE NOON- DAY REST," From a Painting by J. O. Horsloy, R.A., AND THE FOLLOWING FINE-ART AND NEWS ENGRAVINGS. Tho Sutherlandshire Gold-Diggings in Scotland: Kildonon Burn Baile'n oir, Kildonau. Bureting of the Nopton and Warwick Canal.

that Colloction by Vionna, 01- fine the and also well Contract my28 drawers, Ware- Dressing to Dot- MATEWare- 29 Lewis Bold- myjo2 Oflico at feet MA- Cum- Com- a 31 best £1. Boards, Ware29 HarFirst- which Bes. into money. leather. R.

Price R. jo2 Mersey. Rev, cases, and 5 order, Deal wido. long, 28 and jo2 Flour sot Price 27, 127, £10 73, at Ro16, Tho Durbar at Umballah: Mecting of the warn of India and Amver of Cabul. Portrait of the Hon.

Lothrop Motley, the new ministor at Tho of Cam the Hiver United States in Great Britain. Bt. Drodging at John's 95, Roman Bridge, Pavement Oaubridgo found in Dreduing the near Poultry, Cambridge, the Mansion near Houso. Opeuing of the Yachting Season: The London Yacht Olub Match -the Spbynx aud Volante rounding Southend. The Tomb of Daniel O'Connell in Prospeot Cometery, Glasnevin, Dublio.

Buning of the Omar racha, Australian Ship, HomewardBouud. re- Whitanntide Festival of Workpeople at Norwich. Cork Pork Racos: Tho Grand National Steeplechase. Ladies' Cup, Athletic Sports, King's College School. THE CRIMEA REVISITED.

Ruinn of the City of Sebastopol (Two-pago The Battlo-Held of Inkorman, with the Monument to the Britieh, Freuch, and Rusalova killed there. of Price of the whole, Tenpence; Staniped, to go free through the Post in the United Kingdom, One Shilling. Oftice, 198, Strand, W.0. THE WARRINGTON GUARDIAN" and SUPPLEMENT is the largest newspapor in the kingdom. Price 3d.

Mesare. Saulth and Son, Line-streat Station. Contains all the public advertisements and news of Warrington, Northwich, Altriucham, Bowdon, Noutwich, Grewo, and Runcorn. Circulation, 12,000. Advertisements, 500 a week.

EXT OF KIN (new Edition, just and Descriptive INDEX (of 18,000 names guaranteed) to Advertisements for Next of Kin, Chancery Huire, Logatees, from 1760 to 1869, post freo 30 stamps. -Address Mr. Cullmer, 17, Southamptonbuildings, Chancory-lane, London, W.0. fideiy29 on OMEOPATHIO HANDBOOKS. Latest Edition, pp.

300, cloth, by post for 14 stamps, HOMOCPATHIO FAMILY INSTRUCTOR EPITOBIE OF). BY RICHARD EPP8, In the present enlarged edition there are upwarda of 100 disease described, and tho troatment in every stage displayed. The original work, THE HOMEOPATHIO FAMILY INSTRUCTOR, by the 8amo author, post pp. 740, cloth, 58. or half morooco, 69.

6d. if THE COLONIES EDITION of the large work, by the eame author, and treating, additionally, the special diseases of all the British possessions, pp. 842, halt-morocco, 7s. 6d. London: Published by Janos Epps aod (the first established in England), 112, Great Russell-street; 170, Piccadilly; aud 48, and sold in Liverpool the Agents for their Medicines and Preparations: -Bramwell and Son, 89, Parklane Delf, Hardman-stroet: J.

Ediabury, 6. Eastbournestreet; Furuess, Falkuor-street T. Kirkina, 2, Mill-street, aud 227, Parliament-street; C. Owen, Tithebaru-street: C. Paddock, 201.

Derby-road: J. Price. 175, Richmond-row; J. C. Wales, 8t, Anne-atreet; Walker, 47, Myrtle-stroet D.

Wharrio, 50, Berry-street, and H. Witt, 18, Keneington. 17myjel4 Third Edition. pp. 126, oloth, 20.

or post free, secured in wrappor, on receipt of 30 postage stamps. OF WOMEN. By Drs. WILLIAMSON GEORGE N. EPP8.

The work comprises suob medical trentment as may be callod for dwing the several perlode of life. Loudon Published by James Epps and Homwopathlo Obemiete, 112, Grent 170, Piocadilly, And 48, Threadneedle-streot; nud their agents. 17m-jol4 Just Published, post free for twelve stamps. LAY FEVEROR SUMMER CATARRH: Its Oauses, Symptoms, Provention, and Treatment. Ry GEORGE MOORE, M.D., Liosutiate of the Royal College of Phyalclaus of London.

loudon Published by James Epps and Cheintate, 112, Groat Ruazell-street; 170, Plocadilly, and 48, Threadmeedle-street; and their agents. 17wyjol4 ON KINDRED THE CURE NERVOUS OF EPILEPSY AFFLOTION8 AND BY STRYCHNIA. By WALTER TYRRELL, M.R.0.9., L.8.A. Republished from "The Medical Times and with additional ones by W. Burghope or HI.

Cross, Groat Malveru, Prico by post la. Id. Just pabllahed, prioo post Iran ramps, A Treatise on Nervous with interesting 06885. and By a Oure. Fraotitioner of and Physical Debilite? tte Cause an standing.

W. Chellew, 79, Lord-street, Liverpool yeara' Heywood, Deanegate, Monohester. 28myje3 A LECTURE for Young Men, on NERVOUS DEBILITY, to. Post froe, two stamps. -Mr.

Priestley, 52, Lord-street, Liverpool. 5myjol CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. A Cure guaranteed in all 08860 of nervous debility and dis of the Byston, orleing either from imprudence in youth, exocsolve indulgence, Infection, or the affocta of climate. DR: Health," DAVIS, aud other Author medical of works, the 118, Duke Mirror street, of Liverpool. Eatablished 1830.

Dr. D. having had extensive practice for many years, and devoted his attention solely to the cure of nervous debility and diseasos arising from imprudence or 0X0085 also that. numerous olaas disorders he has by discovered residence in mediolnes hot alimatos, sedentary babita, by which be can guarantoe caves a certain have ouro (in baffled an the short time) of the worat most The following advantages are derived from his practitioners. new dis.

coverles, a safe and more speedy oure, not no be danger under tear exposure, of detection from their nearest friends, and without any and parties using them noed any material restraint in diet or other inconveufence. Dr. Via is the only qualitied practitioner who is fu pos session of these Invaluable which, combined with his extensive practice and soknowledged akill, must prove that he la a medical man to whom the aflioted cau apply with safety and certalnty of oure. The recent discoverlea are found to surpass all other known remedios. Dr.

having been more than 20 yeare in preottoe, doeme It his duty to caution the afflioted against plaoing themselves nuder the care of young and practitiouers, he having witnessed serious from the folly of 60 Country patients, by tor warding El, addressed Dr. Bamuel doing. Davis, will receive advice and medicine chargo. which will effect a cure In must cases without further Minute dutaila of cases is The utmost ascreoy may all be relied on. One personal application la advisable in CAS08, It renlent.

The Mirror of Health" may be had at the author's restdence only. Prloe la, Sent trau to any part of the kingdom for le. 6d. in postage stamps. the DUKE STREET, from where Eight in Doctor the may morning be consulted, as usual, and without on a Bundaye fee, from Ten till Two.

nott Ten at night, gotela and Boarding Houses. SELL'S HOTEL, 19, FIRST- Off Clayton-square, Liverpool. OLAAS ACCOMMODATION. CHARGES MODERATE. VICTORIA HOTEL, DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN, THOMAS MARTIN, Proprietor.

Dining and Luncheon VISITORS TO CHESTER WILL FIND W. A. BILLINGTON'S RESTAURANT The AND LADIES' DINING ROOMS (First-class) most central, commodious, and served catablishment lu the clty. Foreign Wines, Apirita, Beer, of the Anest brands. Pio-nic Parties Furnishod, wholly or in part.

72, EASTGATE ROW. ESTABLISHED 1819. Contracts. of OLAY PIPES, SUPPLY large quantitlea on abort notice, are requested to atate their lowest prices for Clay Pipes, glazed Joside and outside, from 3ln. to 30lu.

wide, aud shipped free on board of a ateamer. Payment is made beforo the ablyping takes place. -Address R. 290, care of Mesara. Haasenstein and Vogler, Berlin, MENDERS WANTED to BUILD a SIXBARREL BREWERY in a 8hed.

The shed is walled at eno side and one end; the other eido and end and mot is wood. The ched to be altered to suit, The shed Is 28 feet. loug, 12 feet wide, 9 feet high, The floor to be bricked. Iron boilor. Address tubs, cooler, to be found and fitted complete.A 65, Mercury-offico, 25my31 COALS.

OF MAN STEAMPAOKCT The Directors COMPANY of are prepared to receive TENDERS for supplying the Dourpany'a Steamers at Liverpool with beat description of COALS for steaming purposea-ia the river or dock, as may bo required -free in bunkers or hold, Contract for about twelve 9000 months, tone. from 10th June next. Annual consumption Sealed tenders, atating prion, terms of payment, and description of coala, received at Douglas antil l'ucedey, lat of June next. JOHN J. GOLDSMITH, Secretary.

Douglas, May 21, 1869. 32wuy29 TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS -TENDERS are required for the FREOTION of a DWELLING HOUSE, ARMOURY, and DRILL SEED in tho Greenway-rosd, Kuncoru, according to plana and specifications, which may be inspeoted ou any day, at the storeroom of the 7th Cheshire Rifle Volunteors, Waterlooroad, Runcorn, between the hours nf ten and six p.m. Tenders to be delivered at the storeroow, addressod to the accretary, and marked "Tender for Drill Shed," not later then Tucaday, the lat June next. The committee do not bind themselvea to accept the lowest or any 'JOHN OWEN, Hou.

Secretary. Runcorn, May 20, 1869, FINO CONTRACTORS, ROADMAKERS, and Others, -ESTIMATES are required for BEWERING and FORMING a ROAD, about 354 yards in leugth and 12 yards wide, extonding from Lark-lano to the southern boundury of Albert-park, Toxteth-park. The plane and specifications way be seen at the olfces of Messy. Culshaw and Bunnora, architects, Runtord-court, ool. Sealed and endorsed tonders to bo sent to Mesare.

Oulshaw and Sumners on or before the 10th day of June next. The lowest or any other tunder will not neoosaarily be accepted. TOULMIN Solioitore, 13, Harrington-street, Liverpool. Liverpool, May 18, 1869, 19myjel DOROUGH OF LIVERPOOL.CONTRACT FOR POLICE OLOTHING. The Watch Committee are ready to receive TENDERS tor supplying by Contract the following articles of ULOTHING for the Constabulary Force, Pairs of Trousore for Constables.

1000 Pairs of Glores, 950 Pairs of Boots. Patterne, samples, specification, and form of contraot may be inspected any day between the hours of Floven in the forenoon and One in the afternoon, at the Office of the load Coxatable, until the 4th Juno next. The committeo do not bind thomselves to accopt the lowest or any tender. Bealed tendora must be left at the Muutcipal Offices, Dalestreet, at the Town-clork'e Office there, on or before the 4th day of June next, addressed to the Chairman of the Watch Committee, and marked 'Tender for Olothing." -By order, JOSEPH RAVNER, Town-clerk. Municipal Dalo-street, May 26, 1860.


STILLIAM GRIEVESON, of Great Crosby, near Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, DURSUANT to a Decretal Order of the Court of Obancory of the County Palatine of Iancanter, made on the 13th day of May, 1509, In a onuse "Foulkea V. Anderson," tho cruditors of ELIZABETH PRICE, late of No. 36, Liverpool, la the county of widow (who died in or about themonth of Novembor, 1860), are, by their solicitors, on or before the 17th day of June, 1869, to come In and prove their debts at the offloe of the registrar for the Liverpool district of the said court, situato No. 10, Trafford-chambers, 68, Bouth John-street, Liverpool aforesaid, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from tho benefit of the said order, Thursday, the 24th day of Juno, 1869, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, at the said ollice, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating on the claims. this day of May, 1869.

JAMES W. WINSTANLEY, Distriot Registrar. H. W. COLLINS, Plaintiff's Solicitor, and formerly of Little Crosby, in tho same county, gardoner, having been adjudged baukrupt, uuder a petition for adjudication of bankruptcy, on the 25th day of May.

1809, is hureby required to surrender himself to Henry Hime, the registrar of the County Court of Lonosebire holden at Liverpool, at the first meeting of preditors, to be held on the 9th day of Juue, 1869, at two o'clock fu the alternoon preolsoly, at the said court, No. 80, Liverpool. The registrar of tho court is the ofleial assignco, and Mr. Thorias Etty, of Unity-buildings, Lord-street, Liverpool, is tho solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. At the muting the regiatrar will recolve tho proofs of the debto of the creditors, and tho creditors may choose an assigace or of the bankrupt's catate and effects.

All persons bavloy in their possession any of the effocts of tho eald bankrupt must deliver them to the regiatrar, and all debts due to the bankrupt must be paid to the registrar. HENRY KIME, Rogiatrar. THE BANKRUPTOY AMENDMENT AOT, 1869, TN the matter of a Deed of Composition, dated the 8th day of Mny, 1889, between JAMES RAMSBOTTOM YONDS, of 10, Bruuswick-road, Liverpool, in the counts of Lancaster, of the firet part; ELIZA YONDS, of near Liverpool aforosaid (suretr), of the second part: and the Oreditors of the said James Rawbottom Yonda of the third part. -Notice is horeby given, that a Hat showing, to the beat of the knowledge, luformatiou, aud belief of the debtor, the debts aud liabilities of every kind of tho debtor, and the times when such debts and liabilities were contracted or fucurred, and the couaderations for the same: the names, readdences, and occupationa of his oreditore, and the reapootive amounts due to them, and the securities held by them, and the estimated value of such and a statement chowing, to the bust of the knowlodge, inforumtion, and belief of the debtor, the said debtor's property and credits, and the estimated value thereof, were loft with or delivered to the chief registrar of the Oourt of Baukruptey on the 24th day of May, 1869, purauant to the provisions of the above-mentioned act and the general orders made thoreunder. -Datod this 25th day of May, 1669.

R. J. JONES, Liverpool, The Attorney acting in the matter of the said Deed. MISS -Pursuant MARTHA to an aot of RIDYARD, Porliament mado and Deceased. passed in the 22nd and 23rd years of the reign present Majesty, cap.

35, Intituled "An Act to furthor Amend the law of Property and to Rollove Trustees," Notice is hereby given, that all and other persona having auy olalus or demanda whatsover agninst the estate of MARTHA RIDYARD, late of Warrington, in the a county of Lancaster, apinater, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of April, 1869, at Warrington aforesaid, and whose will was proved by George Young. of Liverpool, in the county of Lancanter, wine merchant, and John William Sutton, of Huyton la the county of Lancaster, the executora therein named, on the fifth day of May, 1869, in the District Registry, at Liverpool, attached to her Court of Probato, are beroby requirod to send in the rarticulars of their olaime or domauda to us the undersigned, solicitors for the said exocutora, on or before the Roventeeuth day of June now next ensuing; and Notice is hereby also given, that after that day the oxecutors will proceed to distributo the assots of the deceaned among the parties entitled thereto, having regard ouly to the claims of which they shall thon bare notice, and that they will not be liable for the assets, or auy part thereof, so distributed to any pore of whoso deht or claim they aball not then have bad notice; and all persons indebted to the said catato aro forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts to uR, the undersigned, as such solicitors as this 17th day of May, 1869. LOWNDES, THORNELY, ARORER, 3, Brunswick street, Liverpool. tr25mg28 Solicitors to tho said Exeoutora, In the Chancery of the Oouuty Palatine of Lancaster. DRIGNALL V.

TUNBRIDGE AND OTHERS. -Whoreas, by a decretal order in this cause on tho 11th day of May, 1869 (being au order for the execution of tho trusts of the WILL of THOMAS TUNBRIDGE, formerly of Cheetwood, in the parish of Manchester, afterwards of Southport, but late of Wavertree, all in the county of Lancaster, gentleman, as to part of the testator's estate, called the Market-street Estate), a an inquiry was directed whether JAMES HARRISON, stepson of the said testator Thomas Tunbridgo, and described lu his said will as a son-in-law, and as then of Manchester aforesaid, machine maker, had any aud what lawful issue, and whether there were any and what reputed oluldron of the said James Harrison living at the date of the said testator's will, and whother any of such reputed children died in the lifetime of the said James Harrison loaving suy and what issue, and what are the ages of such issue and ohildren respectively. Notice la hereby given, that all persons olaiming any Interest in the said testator'a estate under the inquiry afore. raid are, on or before the 19th day of Juue next. to vome in and prove their claims at the office of the district registrar of tho aid Court of Chancory of the county palatine of Lancaster, situato at Cross-street Chambers, in Manchester aforesaid, or in default thoreof they will be peremptorily excluded from the bevent of tho said decretal order.

Thursday, the 21th day of June ext at tirelye p'olook at noon, at the auld chambers, is appointed for heuring and adjudionting the said upon Duted this 18th day of May, 1880. H. WILBRAHAM, District Registrar, THOMAS MAKINSON, 4A. Market-atreet, f21 my 28 Munchester, Solloitor for the Plaintiff. DEFORE purchasing your LAWN Solf-sharpening, Lawn had 1 1 1 Mowing, Aret-olass Rolliug, aud Collating and MOWERS, BB0 tho Pateut Flexible, Self-adjusting, Machine.

Can bo of all Ironmongura Beedsmon. Illustrated Price List on Halifax. application to Mesare. B. Hirst and Sous, Brittanta Works, mwf14apjy13 UXURIANT WHISKERS AND FORMULA, tuatily to the which wonderful forces moustaches to grow heavily in six weaks on 81100080 of FOX'8 NOTED face, without injuring the skin.

A sure whiskers aud the remedy for smoothest baldnoss. Thirteen stamps. Mr. J. Fox, Maccles.

fleld, Cheshire. 26myje22 FORD'S BALSAM OF patented by HOREHOUND. Mr. Ford, and so well -This known elegant and approved preparation, of Tor its efficacy in ourlug and wholesale relieving by the Oougha, Sole Colds, Agent, Twards, 38, Old Chauge nud Influonzo, is cuppiled (formerly of 67, St. Paul's), bottles London, 1e, 94., and 29.

may be de. procured aud retail of all Chomists in at 108. Gd. cach. NO THE ONLY GENUINE WIDOW WELOIL'S PILLS are those Willow propared Welch), by Mrs.

from the Sarah Family Smithers Recipe, without (grand-duughter the least variation whatorer. to the Observe that the genuine are wrapped in blue paper, and signed on the label by Mra. Sarah Smithers. Soli in boxes, at 28. 9d.

each, by most Chemists, COUGH. -ROCHE'S HERBAL EMBROCATION is now rocommended by many of tho most omiment of tho Faculty as the only or known safe and perfect cure, without restriction of diet 1tBe of medicine. Sold by most in bottlos at 48. each. Wholesale Agent, Edwarde, 38, Old Uhauge (formerly of 67, Poul's), London.

MORNS, BUNIONS, ENLARGED and dolighte all who use it. Pain is instautly allayed, aud JOINTS. -BEETHAM'S CORN PLASTER astonishes total eradication ie the result of its use. Most of the ariatocracy and thousands of persons during the last twenty years have acknowledged ita woudorful offlcaoy. BoxeR, and 2A.

Cd. Bent free for 14 or 32 atampe, by M. Beetham, Dispensing Ohemist, Obeltenham, Sold by all Mediolue, Vendors JOSEPH GOODAORE CLARETS intimates of to his Friends that he is now Selling the the VINTAGE of 1865, and that they are in the Anest condition for immediate use. 16, Cook -street, Liverpoul, 166p1931 STOWER'S No. Cannot 1 be squalled.

GINGER WINE HOLD GROOERA, CONFEOTIONERS, And 16, MANUFACTORIES-46 COMMERCIAL 48, HARRINGTON-STREET, Ask for STOWER'S BRITISR WINCE of all Borta Iwy3l COMPTON HOUSE MOURNING DEPARTMENT, ROE appropriated Every a articlo retired required port of the milding to this dupartment, ING in great variety, Including deep or the complimentary Paris MOURN. for made-up MANTLES, aud MILLINERY, in Orders to DRESSMAKING any oxtent with completed taste and a tow deapatch. in hours if necessary. Mourning A FUNERAL DEPARTMENT. men of strict regard experience is paid to efficiency and economy.

Gentleand other are Coffins ready for to immediate conduct it. use. Patent Show. appointed Sanitary rooms, 80, near the top of Bold-street, and J. 78, and W.

Brunswick J. -road. The Patent Sanitary Ooflus, of which bourhood, when fitted are with solo the agonts Patent for Diainfectant Liverpool and Oharoval neighand Co. other afford certain protection from the apread of fever and Beda, infectious diseases. These coffins have received the approval of upwards of TWO of the Modical Profession, London inoluding ALL the Medical Odicers of Health for and Westminster.

COMPTON HOUSE, LIVERPOOL. CHUBB'S NEW PATENT SAFES, steelplated with diagoual bolts, to resist wedges, drills, and Are. of Prices, with 130 of all sizes and qualitios, of Chubb's Bafes, atrong room doors, and looks sent free by OHUBB and SON, 67, 8t. Paul's London, and 28, Lord-street, Liverpool. mwfl2mbjolD ELLIS'S RUTHIN SODA WATER.

R. ELLIS SON beg respoctinily to inform Hotel Proprietors, Chemiste, and the trade generally that JAMES STEWART Wine and Spirit Merohanta, have been appointed Sole Wholesale Agents for the Sale of their celobrated Mineral Waters in Liverpool and neighbourhood, K. Ellis and Son request that in future all orders bo sant to the Stores, Queen Insurance-buildinge, 11, Dale street. poo? To DRESSMAKERS. THE BRITANNIA SEWING MACHINE Is the one most adapted for dressmaking.

It 18 made on the principle of WHEELER WILSON, le casy to learn, and not liable to get out of order. PRICE GUINEAS, Including Tucking Gauge, Quilter, Hemmer, four Bobbins, Case of Needles Aasorted, Oil Can, Needle Wrench, Oloth Spring, Thread Hook, large Wrench, Every machine is warranted, and may be oxohanged if not approved. A compoteut workor sont out to give instruction free of charge. Tho Agents for Liverpool are HORTON BROTHERS, 56, BOLD STREET. -An allowance made to Drenswakere.

Agents alao for the AGENORIA Hand Look Stitch Hewing Machine, (Complete) GUINEAB, and the AMERICAN HANDELWING MACHINE, price 558, mw726mynol9 R. E. SIMPSON'S WORLD-RENOWNED LOOK-STITCH EWING MACHINES. A. J.

STEPHENS, AGENT LIVERPOOL, EXTRAORDINARY VALUE. FOR BOYS' OLOTHING, 1000 Yards of width CLOTH from 3a. 0d. per yard, TWEEDS frown 18. por yard.

Patterns free. LADIES' JACKET In great varlety. 25myje18 WILLO0X GIBBS' SILENT SEWING MACHINES, BY HAND AND FOOT, FROM 47 58, OXTON 00.. 114, BOLD- -STREET, LIVERPOOL, Wholesale and Rotall the above and ALL. KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES, HAND MACHINE: FROM 50g.

MACHINES REPAIRED. Fittings for all machines. SILENT WORKING SEWING MACHINES, THE CELEBRATED FIRM OF WHEELER WILSON Now offer to the publio a greatly improved SEWING MACHINE, SILENT IN ITS WORKING, Being an improvement their alrendy world-renowned Machines. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. INSPEOTION VERY RESPECTFULLY INVITED, All Machines warranted.

Instruction gratis, Prospectus and samples poat fros. WHEELER WILSON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 79, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL, THE BEST SEWING MACHINE 18 THE 'R 0 A L. It is the boat made, quieteat, taatost, simplest, and cheapest LOOK-STITOR Machine ever offered, Every machine is WARRANTED, and, moot important of all, every part INTERCHANGEABLE, It de the portautiou of the WHEELER WILSON It is pounde obesper than any other machine, can be five gears longer, is more in demand, is so truly made that all the needles are marked to fit-on advantage that cannot be over estimated-and has received the greatest shareof approbation from Foully Operatore and Dressmakora, Instruotion gratis. Prospactuses on application to THE "ROYAL" SEWING MACHINE 00., 19, RENSHAW-STREET, LIVERPOOL, WHEELER WILSON'S own make at greatly reduced prices. WILLOOX GIBB8' Treadle Machines from £7 each.



17my31 STRINGENT TOOTH PASTE.HENRY' NEWMAN'S ASTRINGENT TOOTH PASTE, in Pots le. 6d. and 28. 6d, to he had of all respectabla Wholesale Agents, Evaus and Sons, Hanoverstreet; Raimes and Hanover Messrs. Olay, Dodd pad Case, 8t.

or of the Proprietor, HENRY NEWMAN, SURGEON DENTIST, SLATER-STRAT mo LIV BROWN AND CORN POLSON'8 FLOUR, FOR CHILDREN'S DIET, AND POLSON'8 BROWN CORN FLOUB, TO THIOKEN SAUCES, BROWN AND CORN POLSON'8 FLOUR, TO THICKEN BEEF TEA BROWN AND POLSON'8 OUSTARDS. DROWN AND POLSON'8 CORN FLOUR, FOR BLANO MANGE, BROWN AND POLSON'S BEST QUALITY, AND This quality maintalus Its superior excellenor similar artiale. wad ta not equalled ny any BROWN AND PO SON'S CORN FLOUR. "JOHN BRO" "JOHN PO WN." Is algned by the makers on en J.SON," qualities are sometimes sch acetituted Packet, upon as cheap of counterfeit boing the same as pretendo BROP POL8ON'S, doll To Fancy Toy Dealers and Others. -No 57, Breck-road, Everton.

MR. Sell J. by B. Auction, HUDSON upon the is premises, instructed Richmond to Bazaar, No. 57, Brock-108d, Everton, on Saturday and Atonday, the 5th and 7th June next, at One o'clook precisely cach day, the wholeot the FANOY GOODS, Tors, Stook-in-Trade, and other effects of a Fancy Toy Dealer; also the Good will, Fixtures, and limediate possession.

For further particulars apply on the premises; or from the Auctioneer, No. 18, CIENEVA WATCH REPAIRING, R. RUBENS, PRACTICAL WATOR AND OLOOK MAKER, 10, BERRY STREET, Undertakes the thorough ropairing of these watolter, at moderate charges, having made this a speciality. 13rhjell E. 17, BURDEN, CASTLE-STREET, SON, 00., SHIRT AND COLLAR MAKERS, GENTLEMEN'S HOSIERS AND GLOVERS, showing a very suparior seloction of TRENCH PRINTED SHIRTINGS.

Alno the ORIENTAL COTTON GAUZES, Especially adapted, by thoir absorbent texture, for Gentlemen taking athletic exercise. E. Son, and Co. beg to invite a trial of their superior method of CUTTING Gentlomon's Shirts, by which they have obtained the reputation of producing A PERFEOTLY FITTING SHIRT, 17, CASTLE-STREET. THE CIRCUITS.

The judges assembled yesterday morning at Westminster and made the following arrangements for the summer assizes Chief Justice Cockburn and Mr. Justice Byles, Lord Chief Baron and Mr. Jastice Melior. -Mr. Justice Keating and Mr.

Justice Lumb. Baron Pigott and Mr. Justice Smith. Justice Hannen and Mr. Justice Hayes, MIDLAND.

-Mr. Justice Brett and Mr. Baron Oleasby. NORTH WALES. -Lord Chief Justice Bovill.

SOUTH WALLS. -Mr. Baron ChannelL Mr. Baron Bramwell remains in town, ROYAL BANK OF LIVERPOOL, COMMENCEMENT OF A FRESH ACTION. Yesterday, in the Chambers of Vice-Chancellor Maline, Chancery-lane, before Mr.

Buckle, the chief clerk, a summons was heard on behalf of Mr. Crindall, of Liverpool, to obtain order for the enforcement of the acknowledgment of a debt, which it was alleged was due from the bank to him, It appeared that the applicant had bad dealings with the bank in grain, and that bills had been given, At the failure of the bank claim had been made against it by applicant, but the liquidators bad not aoknowledged; the present form of summons W88 mere technicality, the matter being a point of law and a subjeot of litigation, and the real objeot aimed at was to obtain leave to proceed at common law against the liquidators, The solicitor for the official liquidators stated that at first they had not declined exactly to admit the claim, but subsequently, although the bills had been dishonoured, they were taken up, and the liquidators did not think fit to acknowledge it now, and therefore they should be willing to oppose the claim if Mr. Buckle made an order. Mr. Buckle said that he should make the order, and that they must bring an action at common law against the official liquidators, WEATHER REPORT.


D. W. B. 8. B.

80 07 44 N.R, 00 N.B, CT Aberdeen. B0 40 09 bo 8 Lelth 80 00 48 89 1 3 10 Shields 29 04.46 48 N.E, 00 E.N.D. Scarboro' 20 87 44 42 N.F. 02 D1 Yarmouth 29 7B 50 50 N.N.H 42 0: Helder 1: 20 98 42 89 0 Greencastle 20 42 E. N.

E. E.N.D,. 29 79 40 44 N. 00 17 29 81 47 44 N. D.

19 B. Valentia 29 75 40. 47 Y. N.E. 03 Cape 29 83 50 47 3.

0 R.8.0, om 0 191 Roche's 20 08 50 50 D. Or R. 33 20 61 49 P.S. 0 18 Ponzance 29 60 55 68 N.M, 8.E. 29 04 58 56 D.

8.0, P'rtsmouth. 20 67 58 60. R.8. E. 29 72 54 51 N.0.

W. coo 0. 29 04 55 53 N.N.D. N. K.

Brost 29 52 E.8. 8. 02 L'Orient 29 58 52 52 E. 8. W.

or 0 08 Rochefort. 29 82 57 78. W. 8. W.

02 Biarritz. 120 04 04 50 N. 0 04 Corunna Brussels Paris StrAB ourg. Lyons Toulon 20 01 8.9. Heart's Con, Barometer correoted and reduced to 32 deg.

at sea level. Thermometer exposed in shade. Extreme force with: its direction during last 24 hours. Z. -calm.

Weather: sky; o. -olouds (detached); f. -fog; b. -bail; 1. -lightning; (hazy); (dull); r.

-rain 4, Rainfall, snow or hail (melted), duringlast 24 hours. Sea disturbance, -A recovery of barometrical pressure has taken place generally since yesterday. The change has been greatest at the more western atationa. where it amounta to two tenths, but is at present amall in the east, Readings are lowest in Trance; that at Breet is 0'55 inch lower than at Noirn. Temperature has risen alightly on our Channel coast, but fallen a little elsewhere.

The easterly gale still continues at Holyhead, but has subsided at Cape Clear. Fresh north-easterly winda prevail at most stations, but at Rockefort a south-western breeze is reported. Some rain has fallen at many atationa. The sky is overcast in the west, and rather cloudy elsewhere. The sea ie moderate.

The following telegram was received at the Underwriters' Associntion Rooms from the Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade: Noire. barometer 30 07, wind N.D., force Cape Clear, barometer 29 G3, wind force 8: Breat, barometer 29 62, wind force 3: Yarmouth, barometer 29 72, wind 3." BANKRUPTCY COURT. BEFORE MR. ACTING -COMMISSIONER THRING. THURSDAY, MAY 27.

IN RE LAWSON AND -These bankrupts carlied on business as shipbrokers at Peel'a-buildinge, Harrington-street. Mr. Banner appeared for the asaignee, and Mr. Weir Anderson for the bankrupts. The presont sitting was for last 'examinntinn and discharge, but it being represented by Mr.

Banner that the accounts required and that the assignees had. not had enficient time for thoir investigation, an adjournment wantaken at the. bankrupts' expense tothe June. IN RE WH. WILLIAMS.

-On the application of Maddock, the case of this bankrupt, a farmer of Tyddyn Mawr, in the county of Anglesea, was adJourned for further accounta to the 21st June, IN RE RICHARD KENDALL. This was a motion for the diemireal of a petition for adjudication of bankruptcy presented by the bankrupt, a licensed brewer at Saltney, near Cheater. Mr. Lockett appeared applicants, who were croditore, and Mr. W.

H. Churton, of Chester, for the bankrupt. The ground of the application was that the petition had been fled in the wrong court, and that the bankrupt wiifully omitted to insert a cortaln deht in the statement of labilities fled by him wader section 98 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1801. In support of the first ground, Mr. Lockett relled upon the bankrupt's own affidavit, from which it appeared that his unsecurod dehts under £800, and argued that the petition ought therefore to have boon fled in the county court; And with respect to the other ground, he adduced evidence hy which it appeared.

that debt of £100, due by the bankrupt to his mother, had heen unintentionally omitted. His Honour, after hearing this evidence and Mr. Churton on behalf of the bankrupt, ruled that it was clens, by the admission of the mother's claim, that tho debts of the bankrupt exceeded £300, and therafore the petition wan properly filled in the Bankruptcy Court: and with regard to the other point, he wag of opinion that the debt in question bad not boon omitted by the bankrupt from any improper motive nor with any fraudulent infention, and could not affect either the disclosure or distrihntion of the estate. The motion. therefore, for the har.

krupt's petition to he dismissed would be refused. IN RE JOIN R. HURST. The last examination of thie bankrupt, a biscuit manufacturer in Beau -street, wad, in consequence of his funhility to attend through illness, adjourned at his expense to the 21st of June, Mr. Etty Aunrared for the ansignee.

'IN RE RICHARD EDWARDS, HENRY EDWARDS, AND THOMAS -These bankrupts wero farmers from the neighhourhond of Holvhend. Tho Arst-named bankrupta brothers, and the latter Penraon, a Mr brother-in-law Mr. Rull. Mr. Grimmer, Mr.

and Mr. Grimthe, of Holyhead, were the solioiters concerned. Long the examination of the were the for purpose were of discovering property, and which dealmnated no boing of the most timey character, ware ordered to he amonded. The Inat examination of Richard and Henry Edwards wAR Afterwards adjourned to the 24th of June, and that of Thomas Parry passed, but the consideration of tha allowance of his order of discharge was ndjourned to, Friday. for nome time past in been favour going of for card in Paris A movement has on similar Sundays, in character It has to been promoted by a society closing the shops Societiea in England.

result arday has Half been holiday satisfactory, very THE EXTRAORT SPSSION OF CANARY STRUGGLE FOR TIE POSsergione, A At the St. Jenkin, on Tuesday, James Permewan, Charles Columb patty Crocks John Lobb, William Stephens, Robert Pilr sr, Charles Clemens, John Jacobs, John counter, Henry Kostle, James Gross, Joseph enhiercy, John Grose, Anthony Pawden, William Pelmounter, and William Grose, all of St. Austell, were charged with wilfully damaging the house of Mr. Henry Rowse, The evidence given was to the effect that the prisoners had been driven to Mr. Rowse's house from St.

Austell in an omnibus, and that the damage done to the door in forcing an entrance amounted to 353. The magistrates, after Home consultation, said the cage againet the prisoners would be dismissed, but they wished it to be clearly understood that the law WAR still against them as accessories if the proseentor chose to proceed. The summona against James Permewon was adjourned until the next petty sessions, he being now in gaol on another charge. Another case of baby farming formed the subject of an inquest held by Mr. Richards, on Wednesday evening, at Limehouse, London.

The deceased was An illegitimate male child, whose name and pareute were unknown. From the evidence of Mra, Amy Gathard, a young married woman, living at 3, Kirks-place, Limehouse, it appeared that she was the wife of a packer, who had 18a, a week. On the 4th instant she inserted in the Clerkenwell Nerve an advertisement for a nurse child, and on the following day a respectablelooking female, aged about 30 years, called upon her in the afternoon, and said that she had seen the advertisement in the Clerkenwell News, and that her husband's sister, a girl between 15 and 16, bad been the previons night delivered of child, and it was desired to place him out at nurse. The family were willing to give a premium if the infant were adopted. Witness declined to adopt the whild, but she agreed to take it to nurse for 7s.

a week. The young married woman then said that she would bring the child in three hours, and she remarked that, 88 she was a stranger to the locality, she would like to know the nearest way to the city. She was told the Blackwall railway to Fenchurchstreet, and she said that that would do, and she left. Three hours after she returned, bringing with her a child day old, She paid 148. down, and said that she would either write or come on the following Tuesday, and that she would then tell the whole history of the child.

She then left the house, and since that time she had either been seen nor heard of. On the 11th the child WAR seized with illness, and Dr. Forster was called in. The next day it died. Witness had no knowledge of the parents of the child.

There was only one olue to the family, and that was a mark on a lady's white handkerobief, on which was written Warltera, 2, 66." Dr. Foster said the child had died from inflammation of the lungs from natural The coroner said the police could now take the case in hand, and search for the parents of the deceased. If they were found they could be prosecuted for abandoning the infant. A verdict of "Natural death of a child unknown" WAS then returned. THE FUGITIVE BALLOON.

BABY FARMING. This balloon, which started from Ashburnham Park, adjoining Cremorne-gardene, London, on Tuesday afternoon, and for the safety of which considerable apprehension had been entertained, has been gecured, though not without some injury, near Ayleabury. The balloon came on Tuesday afternoon from the direction of Aston Olinton and Tring, and passed a little to the north of the town of Aylesbury, going westward. Many persons assembled in the streets, and telescopes were brought to bear upon the monster, the general opinion of the persons who viewed it being that there were two persons in the car. It bore for the Waddesdon and Winchendon range hills, and by Tring House, Hogshaw, and North Malston, past the Grandborough-road atation on the Aylosbury and Buckingham line of railway to a farm occupied by Mr.

Hornby, in the parish of Botolph Claydou. The balloon since passing the Winchendon hills had shown signs of partial exhaustion, and for four or five miles the thick ropeattached to it had flapped along the fields and aguinst the hedges, and then proceeded on again until coming into contact with some large elm trees on Bernwood Farm, on the estate of Harry Verney, when it became, after tearing away sOme large branches, entangled. By this time some 50 or 60 rustica who had followed the balloon had assembled, and attempts were made to secure it, which, by lashing the ropes round the trunks of the trees, was eventually done, Sir Harry Verney and Colonel Pratt were among the earliest arrivals, and under their directions precautions were taken to prevent the balloon being injured, Colonel Pratt' .15 men belonging to the Bucks militia, of which he is colonel, to keep guard over it during the night. Upon seeing the account in the morning papers of the escape of the balloon, Mr. Field, watchmaker, of Aylesbury, telegraphed to M.

Yon, and received a reply in the conrse of the afternoon, asking him to take care of the balloon, and that they would send down nome men for it in the evoning. M. Yon'e men arrived at Aylesbury by the 5 20 p.m. train, and proceeded to Botolph Claydon. INCOME AND POSITION OF THE PRINCE OF WAGES.

Since the death of the Prince Consort, himself a wise economist, the Prince of Wales has grown up to manhood and set up house for himself. He inherited the splendid accumulations and revenuoa of the Duchy of Cornwall, which had been improved and brought into a state of perfect management by his father, estimated at not leas than £60,000 a year; and his income from the nation amounte, from all sources, to about a similar sum, Such a revenue, bearing the burden of little more than the personal charges of A dignified position, is not extravagant, nor, on the other hand, is it parsimonious. But even if it were less adequato to the high place of the Prince of Wales, he would be none the less undor an obligation to keep within its limits. It is not for us to assert that the Prince of Wales has gone beyond the bounds of his resources; nor is it our business to give contradiction to the consequences of his rumoured indiscretion in this regard. But the story itself is a fact that cannot be overlooked, and the at adage that there is never smoke without a fire" would confirm the impression in the minds of many that there is something like foundation for the loose gossip that is heard alike in the clubs and in the taproom.

All England is warmly interested in the character and happiness of the royal family, and every claes would lament occurrences which would cast reproach upon the credit of the heir apparent to the throne. If the Prince of Wales has in his expenditure exceeded his income, we would respectfully advise him not to let that matter come before Parliament. We would coungel his family to deal with the affair among themselves, as is often dove in highly respectable private families, They have ample wealth; indeed, it was only the other day that the ex- King of Hanover, who is Duke of Oumberland, obtained parmieson of Vice- Chancellor James for the transfer of a £600,000 to his account. The royal family of England will be very badly advised if they allow, under any ciroumetances, any debts incurred by the Prince of Wales to come before Parliament. For if there be anything to which the ordinary English mind is unsympathetic, it ia to see any man, be he prince or peer, or only a clerk with seventy pounds per annum, brought into difficulties by oxceeding his income.

And application to Parliament for assistance in those difficulties is a practical confession of princely insolvency that would give a fatal blow to the popularity of the most kindly and generous representative of loyalty. The nation never forgave George IV. for his sins of profusion-bis repeated calls upon the liberality of the House of Commons and since the days of the regency a much aterner morality has grown up, while the stainlesg life of her Majesty and the lats Prince Consort has established astandard of virtue for our rogal family from which we should be sorry to gee the least hair's breadth of departure. It may he that the retirement of her Majesty from publiclife- a retirement which is every day weakening the influence and the institution of monarchyhas cast ppon the Prince of Wales some of the more active duties of royalty, pressing hardly upon an income not calculated to meet the expenses of such a career, But for this Parliament is not Bible. Without desiring to intrude criticism upon her Majesty's private life, and, indeed, with sincere pleasure at the signs that have lately been observed of her reappearance in public, we cannot help pointing to the fact that the exponsus of the Court in recent years have been considerably reduced, and must continue to be fixed at alow figure as long as the Queen remains secluded from public life, It is then only just and reasouable, 88 it would certainly be graceful and becoming, that the Queen should relieve the Prince of Wales from the difficalties, if difficulties there he, entailed by the prominence into which he has been lately forced by her retirement, The report that her Majesty bad determined to transfer forty or fifty thousand a year from her civil lint to the Prince of Wales, whether there be any basis for it or not, suggeata An arraugement which would satisfy every exigency of the case.

It would take away the occasion for sneers that is now afforded by the rumour of appeals to the generosity of the nation, which Mr. Gladstone could then assert to be baseloea. There nover was a time when there was loss personal feeling adverse to the royal family in these kingdoms; but it ought not to be forgotten that royalty has its duties DR well as its rights. The chice of a constitutional king is no longer to guide the government of the country, but to represent the national It dignity in and to Cut as the organ of national honour, wisdom for those who are most nearly to dissipato by timely and decidad action rumours which cast a stain tipon the reputation of our prince and disquiet the loyalty of the Echo. people.

At the Police Court, on Wednogday, it was announced that the guardiane of St. Par had determined to withdraw from the prosecution of one of the relieving officers, named Coombs, charged with embezzlement. RACE BETWEEN A POLICEMAN AND A VELOCIPEDE. -On Monday evening, Mr. House, of Great George-street, Park Bristol, was driving in a carringe along the Westhury Road, and on reaching the point of the road known as White Tree, or Half-way Tree, he met a man coming down the road on a velocipede.

On nearing the carriage, the velocipede rider, probably from want of command over his vehicle, brought the velocipede right acrosa the course of the carriage, and in front of the horse's head. The animal took fright, and dashed on to the turf, and, bolting over the the Down, it caused considorable damage to front of the carriage. The owner of the latter thereupon requeeted Police-constable 105, who come up at the time, to follow the enthusiastic rider oftho velocipede and ascertain his nameand address, for the purpose of obtaining some redress for the damage he had caused. This direction, however, was somewhat more easy to give than to accomplish, The rider of the new means of locomotion, on seeing the constable giving chase, having a good road before him, and no awkward corners to turn, readily accepted the challenge, Unfortunately for theguardian of the peace, he found himself so heavilly that'the velocipede not only made all the running," but ran clean away from him throdgh Westbury, and long before reaching the outskirts of the village the police-constable was thoroughly distanced, -Bristol Pout. A HUSBAND SHOOTING AN OLD LOVER.

Near Cootehill, Ireland, Tuesday, a man WAS shot under peculiar circumstances. The affair is thus explained appears that a man named Coobrane had been some time ago paying emi- his addresses to lady, and shortly afterwarda grated to America, whence he still continued of his to carry on a correspondence to with the inclined object towards him in his absence than when he was in the affections, who seemed be more country. Some sort of an them arrangement that she was was to atated to have been made between be married when he should return from America, which be promised to do. Cochrane delaying his return perhaps induced the lady to doubt the fervency of his time attachment, ago and she married. and a Coch- man named Pepper some got rane, matters but became intimate, and made on his return, was much chagrined to find frequent visitato Pepper's place.

On the occasion thus, of the accident, Pepper had been from home, and returned rather suddenly, when he found his wife and Cochrane in an outhouse. His jealousy, which WAS groundless, being aroused, he went into his home, and, procuring some firearms, disobarged them at Cochrane, who was wounded, though not seriouely. An explanation followed, which ended in mutual reconciliation, and Cochrane declines to prosecute the matter further. -Dublin Express. SCOTCH GENERAL ASSEMBLIES The principal subject of discussion in the Established Assembly on Tuesday was the law of patronage.

A report by the committee appointed laat year on the question was submitted, in which they recommended that the right to nominate ministers should be traneferred from the present patrons to a board in each parish, consisting of heritors (members of the oburch), elders, and male communicants. This recommendation was embodied in a motion by Dr. Pirie, adopting the report, and further providing that the greatest amount of infuence in elegting ministers should be conferred on the permanent male communicants. Dr. Pearson moved an amendment to the effect that, as there was no immediate prospect of 8 satisfactory settlement by the Legislature, continued agitation on the subject was unwise and inexpedient; which was seconded by Dr.

Macduff. Two further amendments were proposed, but neither of them found a seconder. Thereafter, Mr. Campbell Swinton (elder), seconded by Dr. Nisbet, moved an alteration upon Dr.

Pearson' motion, with the addition that the whole subject be remitted to the committee for further inquiry. The debate was adjourned to the evening sederunt, and protructed to an early hour the next morning, when the house divided on the three motions before it. Dr. Pearson's motion, on being put against Mr. Campbell Swinton's, was curried by 61 to 57; but being again put againat Dr.

Pirie's, it was lost by large majority. The latter was carried by 198 to 88. The report of the committee on the sustentation fund was submitted to the Free Assembly by Dr. Buchanan on Wednesday. The total aum contributed during the year amounted to £132,125, being an increase of £813 over the preceding year.

Notwithstanding several increased demands upon their funde, they were in a position to declare a dividend of £150 to the 740 ministers who were on the equal dividend platform, being the as last year, besides 25 additional to 109 ministers, and £10 to 315, from the surplus fund. The report adopted. FATAL COLLIERY EXPLOSION IN MONMOUTHSHIRE. An account of this dieaster gives the following details quarter to nine o'clock: on Tuesday night, a shocking explosion of firedamp took place in the Sinking Pit, Owmnantddu, about two miles from Pontypool, Monmouthshire. The pit belongs to the Ebbw Vale Company, and Mr.

Evan Jones is contractor for it. Between 300 and 400 men are employed in it, and it is fortunate that when the explosion took place all but a few had left work. The workings are generally posed to be free from "gas," and after being tested with a safety lamp are need with open lights. At the time named some ten men were down making roads in what is called the keep," gomo 700 or 800 yards from the bottom of the shaft. Seven of these were together when the explosion took place, and in an instant all seven of then were swept into eternity, frightfully burned.

The names of the deceased are--Hananiah Williams, single, collier; Thomas Williams, married, bottom cutter; John Jones, married, collier; David Rees, married, collier; Evan Rees, a lad about 14 yours old, working with John Jones; William Cooke, married, bottom cutter; Alfred Davies, singlo, collier. Two horses and a donkey were also killed. The three other men were working some 200 or 300 yards off, Their namea are Tom Green, John Morgan, and Jobn Mitchell. Their escape is miraculous. Green pushed his hat into his mouth, and managed to creep on to the level, and got to the bottom of the shaft and gave the alarm.

John Morgan was blown behind some timbers, and says he had given himself up for lost, when he was discovered and extricated by an ostler, named James, who came by with a light, John Mitcholl was found lying in the level, Dr. Davies, of Aberaychan, and his assintant, wore sent for, and arrived an soon as possible. The three survivors seem to have no other iojury than the severe shock in being blown about, The bodies of the seven who porished have been removed to their honses, The three men who escaped were working in heading some distance bigher up in the pit, above the deceased, and noticed a quantity of sulphur in the air. They at once made their escape, and directly after an explosion was heard by a man named Charles George, who went to the spot, but the gas was too powerful for him. The two horses with the three men were killed, but the men escaped uninjured.

It is not known how the accident happened, all the poor fellows who could give any information having lost thoir lives. AFRAID TO GET MARRIED. The case of A bankrupt named Behen came before the Dublin court on Wedneaday. The insolvent was a farmer at Kilcock. His discharge was opposed by Alisa Mary Agnes Mangan, who keeps a small farro, public house, and grocery in that town, and who recently recovered judgment against him in an undefended action for breach of promise of marriage for £100, which formed the only debt upon his schedule.

Mangan, who is about 30 years of age, and not devoid of personal attractions, was examined in support of her opposition, She stated that she and the insolvent were to have been married on the 20th January that some days previously they had come to town and made small purchases for the occasion, and that the wedding party had been invited, when, on the Friday evening before the day fixed for marriage, was told by Adam Behan, the insolvent's brother, that it was not to take place, because the insolvent was sick. She then countermanded the invitations, and gave instructions to her attorneys to commence an action for breach of promise of marriage, and the writ was issued on tho 23rd of January. -Thomas Reynolds, brother-in-law of Miss Mangan, stated that he went to the insolvent to demand AD explanation why he was so disrospeotfal as not to marry his sister-in-law. -Wag it in the farm you saw him? No; but in bed. The man Reemed diffident, and afraid to get married.

insolvent, who is about 30 years of age or 80, was examined by Mr. Kernan, and presented a very dejected appearance as he sat in the witness box. Ilo said that after making the purchases in town with Mias Mangan (to the amount of £8, which ho told her he thought very dear) he went home to Kilcock unwell, and took to hie bed for a fow days. She did not return at the same time, but remained in town a little longer. On the Sunday bufore the fixed for the mustriage, while he was in bed, Mias Mangan's brotherin-law came down from Dublin to see him, and asked him what was he inclined to do.

He roplied that if be was able he would go on with it. Reynolde, however, demanded a decided answer, hut witness did not give him a decided answer. -Judge Miller said it way utterly impossible for him to rive the insolvent a free discharge from the damages awarded against him. There were no circumstances of aggravation whatever in the cage, but ho was bound by the provisions of the act of Parlinment to remand the insolvent and he thought he would meet requirettients of the statute by retuanding him for a period of four montha, from the 3rd of May, the date of his arrest. EXTRAORDINARY ASSAULT UPON A WIFE.At the Glasgow Sheriff Criminal Court, on Tuesday, one Robert Dickson WAS Rentenced to three montha' imprisonment, "for having, on the 3rd of April last, in his house in Argyll-street, committed an unprovoked assault on the person of his wife, by striking her on the head and face with his fists, pushing her down on a sofa, tying her legs together with a cravat, tying her wrists together with a handkerchief, cutting out part of the hair of her bead with a pair of pouring 8 quantity of syrup on her head, of half and leaving her lying on the sofa for the space GOLDFIELDS, an Kildonan THE SUTHERLAND -The diggings are likely to assume a new Gilchrist phase, to permission having been granted to Mr.

sink shafts on the level gronnd bordering the Helms. dale river. Mr. Gilchrist purposes selecting the narrowest of the valley as the scene of operations, and intends sinking on the north side of the river until the rock is reached, when a drive or tunnel will be worked under the bed of the stream, where a lode of gold is expected to be met with on the rocky bottom. This mode of operating is based on the idea that a stream of gold in a molten etate must at some remote period have flowed from the quartz ranges in the neighbourhood, and that of necessity it must have found its way along the surface of the rock to the low levels at the bottom of the valley, Amateur and experienced diggers continue to arrive at Kildonan, but not in such numbers as last month.

To this date, 240 licenses have been issued for the month, and it is now expected the number for last month will not be reached. We believe that the majority of the colonial diggers, by hard work, still manage to keep up the average find of gold, but many of the lean experienced bands do not make much more than labourers' wages, Many are getting very tired of the surface workings, now that no nuggets are being found, and the fine gold only yielding average wages, -Northern Ensign, guarriages, mud Demites. Death address be of tararted No unices Notice of authenticated Birth, Marriage, the name sender. carda, "or a marriage similar or deutz, addition to subject the it to aimpio payment annonnoement St. BIRTHS.

Martin's Cottages, Sylvoskrstreet, BIGRLON-May wife 24, of at Mr. W. Bigelon, of a daughter. 24, the wife of Captain J. Calvart, of CALVERT-May sOn.

M. Collins, of 26, the wife of Mr. Russell 8 soD, Wales, the wife GOOCH--May of H. D. 25, at Gooch, of a BOD and heir.

North wife QUARTON-May of Mr. James 26, at A. Quarton, of a son. 46, Bunt-street, Breck-road, the Cheshire, the wife of THORNELY-May Mr. Frederick 27, at Thornely, Nowton daughter.

Lodge, road, Rock Ferry, Mire, WEDLOCK--May 27, of at 6, T. G. Wedlock, a daughter. MARRIAGES. CORLETT--CARER--May 25, at Kirk Church, Islo of Man, by the J.

apirit merchant, to Anue, Kev. H. Gray, M. Mr. Robers Corlett, grocer, wine and Mr.

John Creer, of No. youngest Christian-road, taughter of Douglas, the late and formerly of Olypse, Onchan, Isle 23, at All Sainte', by the Rev. of Man. Mr. Adam Fonnah to Mrs.

Martha Parrot, Heyliger, both of Lawrence-street. 22, at All Saints', by the Bev. R. HENRY-FAGAN-May Mr. Robert Henry to Miss Margaret Pagan, Heyliger, both of Chancer-street.

the Roy. Thomas 20, at Clarke, 8t. Paul's incumbent, Church, Joseph Kirk, Southport, hy Hindley, to Anne Jano, aldost daughter surgeon, of John Marsh, Southport. SEARCH-BOARDMAN-May Roberta, 27, by B.A., license, Mr. at St.

Thomas Michael's, Search by the Rev. G. to Miss Mary Boardman. the Rev. George Dean, 26, at George St.

Paul's, Southcomb to Rock Ferry, by of the late John Penketh, of Jane, eldest daughter Hargrave Hall. 10, at St. Poter's, by the Rev. Jonathan B. W.

Wilson, Thomas, oldest son of Captain WHITE-HANN-Moy White, to Miss Sarah Hann. the Rev. J. F. Rodhead, M.A., John Richard, soD -May 26, at 8t.

Peter's, Rock Ferry, by Surrey, to Jane, of Air. Samuel Wood, of Wandsworth, eldest daughter of Mr. John Kollett, New Ferry. DEATHS. 21, at 52, Everton-road, aged 63, ADD, wife of Mr.

John Bushell. Isle CLUCA8-May of Man, after short illness, aged 48, Mr. Jobn 23, at his residence, Strand-street, Dougles, Clucas, grocer, wine and spirit merchant. DAVIES-May 24, at 63, Ellas-street, in her 23rd year, Mrs. Mary Davies, second daughter of Peter Kearns.

24, at Ballscallin, Kirk Patrick, Inle of Man, Esther, wife of Charles Dodde, Esq. HIGGINEON-May 27, at 7, St. Domingo-grove, aged 50, S. Sophia, relict of H. B.

Higginson, Esq. JOHNSTON-May 27, aged 75, Robert Johnston, of this town, deeply respected by all who knew him. MOSLEY--May 23, in Athol-street, Douglas, Tale of Man, in his 63rd year, Mr. John Mosley, proprietor the Douglas Theatre Royal. PRICE--May 26, at his residence, 22, Blackstone-street, Mr.

John Price, RIDDIE-May 92, at Ellesmere Port, aged 75, Mr. George Riddle. He was at the Battle of Waterloo, serving in the Scots Greys, and though he took part in three chorges he escaped without a scar. For upwards of 80 years he was a faithful servant of the Shropshire Union Canal Company. 25, aged 2 years, Dora Jane, only daughter of Mr.

Hugh Roberts, 41, Paradise-street. TRELEASE 21, at Combmartin, North Devon, aged 62, Mr. William Trelease, late manger of the Fordele Mines, Iele of Man, WILSON-May 28, at his residence, Hornby-street, aged 50, Mr. Robert Wilson, cooper. WILSON-May 28, at his residence, Hornby-street, aged 50, Mr.

Robert Wilson, cooper. WYNN--May 25, at 41, Bamber-street, aged 79, Mrs. Elizabeth Wynn. YOURSTON-May 22, in Blair street, Toxteth-park, aged 10 years, Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr. John Yourston.

SHIPPING. READINGS OF THE BAROMETER. Tucsday, May p.m., 29.69; Midnight, 20.69 Wednesday, May p.m., 29.58; Midnight, 29.66 Thursday, May p.m., 29.84; Midnight, 20.98 HIGH WATER AT LIVERPOOL. MORNING. EYEING, AMIGaS.

11. M. H. M. F.I This 0 47 1 7 17 1 27 1 47 16 ARRIVED, MAY 26.

Banian, Chase, Arabian (as) Alexandria 8t. Jobn's, N.D. MAY 27, British Queen Havre Canada BAILED. MAY 26, (so), Denmark York Royalist, NarTe Tamaulipaa Rowlea, Annapolia, Leman, Baltimore Bordeaux Alexander, Bairdon Callao Volunteer, Capetown Perrier. Genos Evordino, Memel Delaware (68) Boston Jessie, Davies Cette: Lizzie Calootta MAY 27, Earl of Derby Africa.

Oity of Baltimore (re), Lochinvar Philadelphia Roskell, York David Harrison Babis Philadelphia, Fleck. N. York Broganza Lisbon Anglo-Saxon, Leaby, Quebec' THURSDAY, MAY 27. Wind B.E,, fresh breeze, fog; at Holyhead moderate gale. moderate breeze; gloomy.

The Belle of Lagos. honce for Tobasco, was left off the Great Ormahead at 2 30 p.m. on the 26th instant by the tug Her Majesty. Wind strong breeze, The Beltiate, hence for Gloucester, U.9., was left off North west Lightship at one p.m. on the 26th (natant by the tug linight Templar.

Wind strong breeze, France (Es). Grace, hence at New York May 26. Tasmanian at Panama April 20. Pacitio (as), at Panama April 29, and galled May 1, Jane Lamb, from Porto Rico at Dublin. Zealander, from Callao at Hull.

J. Steelo, from Baltimore off Deal, Tenu. Carlton, and Antelope, Hubert--hence at Hamburg, Ousel hence at Helvoet. Talca (as), left Panama April 26. Rejuh, Hendry, henco at Calcutta provious to May 24.

from Africa off Dover. Chevreull, from West Judies off Falmouth. Resolu, condemned and sold at Maracalbo. St. Clare, Pack, honce at Miramichi.

Meride, Turner, hence at Halifax. Thebes hence at Malta, and left May 28 for Alexandria. Annabella, Madge, hence at Dalhoutio. hence at Guayaquil. Bowfell, hence at Calcutta.

Southern Queen, from London at Kurrachee, Peru (88), left Panama April 24. Orissa, of Inverness, from Quarry Harbor for Beauty with freestone, totally wrecked. 8. M. (steam lighter), from Grangemouth with alates, stranded and Alled at Borrow stones.

Princess Victuria, from Riga for London, assisted oft Oland, and proceeded. Chiloe, Aconcague, and Mercora, hence; Slaing Onstle, from -all at Valparaiso April 12. The Lucerne (85), from Middleshurough for Trieste, was off Dover on 17th March last, and has not aince beou heard of. Zeta reported at Coquina to have struck 8 rook entering Tengey Buy, and to bavu been afterwarda beached. St.

Thomne Packet, from Bolla; Echo, Tomaso, sud San Quintin, from Havana--all at Pill, Orion, Braumhorst, and Swanno, Hegnauer-both hence at Narva. Morocco Leitch, and Stromboli (sa), M'Dowall-both hence at Gibraltar. Nojado, from Hamburg, and Harzhury, from Now York both off Dungeness. Conference, Caughto, hence at Mazatian, and left March 10 for Narachiate. Janna end James Armatrong, from London: F.

W. Cochranc, from Glasgow; und Atlantic, from Monte Video- all at Demerara, Hugh and Ann, Roborts, from for Waterford; and Henry Harvey, Roskelly, from London fur ashore near Southed. The Bjorn Benzon, from Smyrna for Hull, in Malaga Ronde, was in contact on 20th May with the Taxarchis, from Carloforte for Antwerp, and both were conablerably damaged. Mary Jane (A), from Greenock for Ardrishaig, struck on a rock near Ardrishaig and sank. engera saved.

The report yesterday waa incorrect. Adolph, and Suomi, from Newport: G. Boll, from Bt. Thomas: Arthur, from Leopoldlino Fraude, from Glasgow Marin Needbam, hence; Buck inghamabire, from Monte Bay Chillan from Port-au-Prince and Woolton, from Cardiff-all at Kingston, Jamaica. Jobn Mohr, for Monte Video, put back leaky; Adriatio, and Annie Fisher.

from Monte Video; Dorothy Thompson, from Pou do Azucar; Zumindor, and Oompadre, from Sydney Chili (8), from Panama; Henry Rankin, from Rosario: Anne Chershyre, from Antonio; Pantaloon from Lota and Clifton, from oL Valparaiso. Southern Empire, and Phoenix. from Melbourne; Montana, and Mustrious, from Nagusaki: Zulion, The Orulgs, Wolfville, Kaftirland, And Alsagor, from the Ardmillen, from Monte Video Morrie Monarch, and (Hant's Causeway, from Aden; Endymion, from the Mauritius: Rafah of Sarawak, and Glencoyn, from Panama; Manchester, and Moira, from Arica; Goshawk, and Whearitt, from Antwerp -all at Calino, VESSELS SPOKEN. America, hence for Montreal, May 3 Contest, from Glnegow for Bombay, three days out, May 21, DO 14 W. Eureka, for New York, May 18, 50 14 W.

Frank Shaw, of Newcastle, May 16, 25 miles E. of Cape de Gatte, Galloway, hence for Quebec, April 22, 52 W. 5 W. Hypatin, of Ht. John's, May 15, 40 20 inilen 26 W.of Cape de 1.

0. U. (echooner), front Couos, Gatte. John Paul, May 18, 24 N. 21 W.

Lahore, of this port, May 19, 19 E. Louisa (barque), for Quebec, April 13, 50 10 W. of Jersey, May 10, 45 84 W. Oneida bound Mag 1G. Oswald Howes, bound 38 N.

8 E. Derenick, steering N.E., May 8, 5 8, 33 W. Spegdy fachooner), bound off Malaga. St. Laurient 24.

Thomas and Rebecco, of Sunderland, for Alexandria, May9, 38 N. 5 E. Blue (barque), May 18, 24 N. 21 W. Valette, of this port, bound May 17.

36 N. 4 W. Waldo, for Philadelphio, May 14, off Sandy Hook. Dundee, May Joseph Somes, and Northwiek, from Cronetadt; Alpha, from P'ernau, Greenock, May Aluo, Havre, from Havana; W. Lord, from Bahia; Thetis (sal, from Dublin, May Talca (as), from Rotterdam; Meteor from Oporto Queenstown, May -Wind E.N.E., rain.

-Balled Coldstream, for Bristol, Plymouth, May -The Westphalia (rms), from New York, arrived here to-day, landed mails 8 and passengers, and procerded. 8he made the passage in days 22 hours. Hull, from May 27. Rotterdam. Arrived Salled Hermione, Keatrel from (AR), for Riga Seahorse (sa), for Rotterdam: Alter (88).

fur Antwerp 8wanland Amsterdam. Earl Lefth. of Mar May and from Fairy Ichabor Belle, Waverley from Dunkirk: from Kellie, Odessa; Jantjo, from Brussels; (ss), from Riga from Valencia Patria, Eleanor, Graverend, from May New York Jessie, from from Porto Rico: Liverpool, St. Alhyn, Lagos from Petersburg: Familien, from Bury Magna St. Charta Edmunds, (ex), for from the Mauritius.

Greenwood (sa). Balled: Ayres Deal, May Nithedale, from London Premter, for from St. London Kitta for Buenos from London; Moulmein; from and London Caroline, for from Madras New York, both for Carvill, a of St. John's, from London to west William from Trinidad London Look-out, for B3dney from Morning for Star, Buenos London for Ellen Stowart, Lee, from London for Yokohama. for Roche's Liverpool, Point, arrived May 27.

here -The at six Helvetia a.m. to (58), from New York (8B), Rengera, from and Liverpool proceeded for New Immedistely; York, all arrived well. here The Denmark landed pas. as today, well. embarked The- Idaho passengers, (88), from and Liverpool proceeded for immediately: arrived here at eight a.

to-day, embarked New York, proceeded immediately; all well. passengers, and by The the haunt Sheffield of a police party of on coiners was discovered men taken into custody and Wednesday, Three plant" was seized. were a quantity of Merrurial Taint," Blotch Skin, Tand impurity removed, permanently and every Martin's Quinine, in Concentrated bottles 48, 11a. of Sarsaparilla and Copperas-bill, and 4, Quadrant, Lime and street. 22,.

Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2025)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.